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Chemical copper plating - forgetting the art of decorative copper plating

article_body/publish_date 2017-01-26

Chemical copper plating is the process of coating metal with copper without the use of an external power source. It's like current copper plating without electricity. This process uses the phenomenon of displacing "more noble" (less electronegative) metals from the solution by "less noble" (stronger electronegative) metals. In the case of copper plating of iron or steel objects immersed in a solution of copper salts, e.g. copper sulphate, a copper coating (less electronegative, more noble metal) is deposited on the surface of iron steel (less noble, more electronegative metal). As a result of chemical copper plating, very heavy coatings of the order of 0.02 - 0.2 micrometers are formed. The quality of the coatings largely depends on the composition of the solution, the intensity of mixing the solution, the exposure time and the experience of the operator. Chemical copper plating is suitable only for applying decorative coatings, which is why it is not commonly used in technological processes.

The simplest solution for chemical copper plating is a working liquid with the following composition:

- Distilled water 1 liter
- Copper (II) sulphate (pentahydrate) 50 g/l

- Sulfuric acid (VI) (d=1.84) 5-10 ml/l

Exposure time for this solution should be limited to a few or tens of seconds. Too long time will cause etching of the object and peeling of the coating. The process should be carried out at a temperature in the range of 15 - 20 degrees Celsius with strong stirring.

The item must be thoroughly prepared for the copper plating process - degreased, etched and activated. After copper plating, the entire workpiece should be neutralized as soon as possible in a solution of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate. Then rinse in distilled water and dry.

Another method of decorative copper plating enabling the application of glossy coatings is tumbling with non-resinous sawdust soaked in a copper plating solution containing complex copper salts.

For example, about the composition:

- Distilled water 1 liter
- Copper (II) sulphate (pentahydrate) 37.5 g/l
- Ammonia (25% aqueous solution) 50 ml
- Tartaric acid 50-100 ml

Sawdust of non-resinous trees is soaked with such a working liquid, then the objects together with the sawdust are placed in a wooden drum and subjected to the process for about 30 minutes using slow drumming. After this time, we separate the sawdust from the copper-plated elements and subject it to neutralization in a solution of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate and rinsing in distilled water. Copper-bonded objects are shiny, because during such treatment, the coating is deposited and polished at the same time.

Copper sulfate , deionized water and neutralizers ( caustic soda and sodium carbonate ) available at distripark.com


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.