Disinfection of irrigation systems.

article_body/publish_date 2017-06-20

Regular disinfection should be carried out in each horticultural farm, each time the substrate is replaced and before the start of the next production cycle. The purpose of these treatments is to protect new plantings from various types of pathogens and pests that attacked plants in the previous production cycle. It is important that disinfection is carried out even when the presence of pathogens and pests is not obvious - on adult plants some infections may not be visible, but young seedlings will be at risk. All rooms in a horticultural farm should be disinfected: from greenhouses and greenhouses, to cold stores and warehouses, as well as tools and various installations. An installation often overlooked in such disinfection is the irrigation system. This is a huge mistake! Why and how to disinfect it?

What is inside the irrigation system?

The irrigation system consists of kilometers of wires, pipes, tubes, capillaries and connectors. On average, there are several kilometers of irrigation pipes per hectare of irrigated area, for example: the cultivation of cucumber with rows spaced every 1.5 meters requires about 7 km of irrigation pipes per 1 ha, and the cultivation of carrots or lettuce - as much as 14 km of irrigation pipes per 1 ha. Only some elements of the system are visible between the rows of plants - the vast majority of installations are invisible. We must be aware that inside the pipes and tubes of the system, the task of which is to hydrate and provide the plants we cultivate with the right nutrients - biofilm, commonly referred to as sludge, collects all the time during operation. The biofilm includes algae, bacteria and other microorganisms that form a carpet-like "lining" inside the installation elements - this "lining" acts as a magnet and leads to the deposition of salt and scale efflorescence on it, on which further microorganisms then settle. This kind of "micro zoo" narrows the lumen of irrigation pipes, and additionally feeds on nutrients intended for plants grown on the farm. Having all this information, it is easy to guess that the environment inside the irrigation system can be an excellent reservoir for pathogens, pests and their spores (e.g. eggs), in which they can easily wait between successive production cycles.

How to disinfect the irrigation system?

Comprehensive, effective disinfection of the irrigation system is possible by introducing a disinfectant solution into the installation. It can only be carried out in the intervals between successive production cycles (cultivation), because depending on the type of solution, it usually requires leaving it in the system for about 24 hours, and then thoroughly flushing all the elements of the installation. Flushing should be carried out under pressure (increased in relation to the working pressure) and with the use of reverse water circulation (water is alternately pumped into and withdrawn from the system).

What agents should be used to disinfect the irrigation system?

There are several types of preparations for disinfection of irrigation systems on the market. One of them is a 3-5% solution of caustic soda, which quickly and effectively deals with various types of dirt (mineral and organic) and has high biocidal properties. However, the caustic soda solution can damage some elements of the irrigation system, e.g. fittings, water cannons, guns, sprinklers and nozzles, which may be made of alloys containing aluminum. Caustic soda reacts with aluminum (aluminium), which can quickly lead to the complete dissolution of elements made of it, and thus - devastate a significant part of the installation. A much better idea is to use a 3-5% sodium hypochlorite solution for disinfection. This biocidal preparation will ensure sterilization of the irrigation system in the case of bacteria, fungi as well as algae and algae, and when used regularly, it will effectively remove even long-term deposits of stone and mineral salts. Sodium hypochlorite does not react with any elements of the pipeline and irrigation system and is commonly used to treat process and drinking water. In addition, the sodium hypochlorite solution has a relatively low price, which may be of great importance for the profitability of horticultural farms.

In the distripark.com offer you will find sodium hypochlorite - a cheap, efficient and effective preparation for disinfection of irrigation systems
both greenhouse and field crops.

* This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.