Gel or dishwasher tablets?

article_body/publish_date 2019-01-09

The eternal dilemma of a "working woman" gel or dishwasher tablets? The world presents us with so many dilemmas and unanswered questions. Women took matters into their own hands and thanks to Josephine Cochrane, hooray, we have a dishwasher. The American "housewife" patented it in 1886. Then it went downhill - tablets, dishwasher capsules, dishwasher salt, refreshing fragrances, cleaning gels, dishwasher gels ...

How not to go crazy in all this? Let's tackle one simple topic: dishwasher tablets or gel?

Tablets, dishwasher capsules are commonly used. In most cases, they have many properties: they give shine, give shine, remove unpleasant odors, remove impurities, soften water. The composition of the tablet is selected so as to clean the dishwasher full of dirty dishes. What if we don't have a dishwasher full of dirty dishes? We can then use an economical method of washing and choose a dishwasher gel, the dose of which is adjusted to the degree of soiling and the number of dishes. Dishwasher gel is an excellent alternative to capsules, because it dissolves perfectly, thanks to which it is evenly distributed throughout the dishwasher. Don't worry - the content of washing ingredients in the gel and in the capsule is at a comparable level, so there is no problem with effectiveness. The gel dissolves quickly even at low temperatures, so you can use an energy-saving washing program.

Has it ever happened to you that a tablet was not dissolved in the dishwasher basket? If so, a great solution is a dishwashing gel for Flo dishwashers, which will effectively reach all dirt. Flo gel for washing dishes is a modern cleaning agent with the additional function of polishing and removing unpleasant odors. Flo gel does not contain phosphates, which makes it environmentally friendly.

Important rule!

Under no circumstances do we use ordinary dishwashing liquid for washing dishes in the dishwasher, but only special products dedicated to dishwashers. The use of ordinary liquid can irreversibly damage the dishwasher. Below is a link to an article about the effects of using dishwashing liquid.

https:// it possible to pour-washing-liquid-for-dishwashers

Dishwasher gel Flo All in One 750 ml available at .


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.