How to clean a burnt pot?

article_body/publish_date 2017-03-22

Even the best cook burns a pot. What to do then? First of all, keep calm and save the dish (it is best to put it into another pot without stirring it), and only in the next step - start washing. Cleaning burnt dishes is, contrary to appearances, quite easy - all you need is time, patience and a good detergent.

A burnt pot (or any other dish) should be soaked, preferably in hot water with the addition of high-quality dishwashing liquid (e.g. one of the Flo liquids). Leave the soaked dish for several dozen minutes to several hours. After this time, remove burnt-on food residues from the pot, and then wash the pot as usual with liquid and a dish sponge. In the face of particularly difficult to remove dirt, we can use: baking soda, salt or vinegar - we add them to the water in which we soak the burnt dish. Water with salt, soda or vinegar can also be boiled in a burnt pot, which will increase the cleaning power of the agents used. Rice can also be helpful in removing burnt-on dirt - just pour it into a pot, pour water and simmer until it "absorbs" the dirt. Remember not to use sharp tools (knives, forks or metal scourers) to remove burnt-on dirt, which can damage the coating of the pot.

High-quality dishwashing liquids available at

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