How to impregnate wood?

article_body/publish_date 2018-06-06

Wood is one of the most ecological building materials. To preserve the character of wooden surfaces, we should ensure their proper protection. When we remember a few basic rules, our wooden fence will please the eye for a long, long time.

Why do we oil wood?

Wood can be exposed to the harmful effects of weather conditions, fungi and insects. If we want to preserve its beautiful appearance and functional properties, we must thoroughly protect them. The oil reduces cracking and dirt on the wooden surface and protects against discoloration and moisture. It is moisture that contributes to the development of fungi on the surface and inside the wood, while the natural smell of linseed oil repels insects.

How to prepare wood for oiling?

Surfaces should be properly prepared before applying the first layer of linseed oil. Boards or wooden elements are sanded using sandpaper with a grain size of 120 to 300, depending on the degree of surface unevenness. We clean dust, dust and dirt: greasy stains, resin residues. Greasy stains can be cleaned with alcohol-based preparations that do not react with wood and evaporate quickly, e.g. colorless denatured alcohol should be applied to the greasy stain and treated with glass wool rubbing the surface with circular movements.

How to oil the prepared surface?

Cleaned, dry wood, preferably not previously varnished or painted, can be oiled. Linseed oil is suitable for any wood: thermal, teak, mahogany, elm oak, cedar and other hard and soft species: pine, larch, linden. The oil is applied in thin layers with a brush or roller. Wipe off excess oil after about 20 minutes with a clean cloth. If the surface is too shiny, it means that the applied layer of oil is too thick and should be wiped off. The oiling process should be repeated after the first layer dries, i.e. approx. 24 hours. Two or even three applied layers ensure that the wooden element will be well protected. It is recommended to repeat the oiling process every 2-3 years. Oiling gives a semi-matte effect emphasizing the structure of the wood, and the coating obtained is natural to the touch.

Linseed oil yield.

Raw wood, apply until saturated: 10 m2/litre

Refreshing previously oiled wood: 15-40 m2/litre

Application temperature: min. +10 oC,

Wood moisture: max. 18% (after felling, the wood reaches a surface-dry state about a year after cutting, depending on the season from 15 to 20%)

Application method: brush, cloth, roller, spray gun

Drying time: wood touch dry after min. 24 hours (at approx. 20oC , humidity 60%)

Natural linseed oil for wood impregnation available at .


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.