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Pool in a nutshell, or what pills to start with in the pool.

article_body/publish_date 2017-06-06

Pleasant refreshment on a hot summer afternoon in crystal clear water with a natural scent. This is how every owner of a garden pool sees it at the time of its purchase or spring reinstallation. What should we do to make our swimming pool look real, so that the water in it is crystal clear, that algae do not grow in it, and that contact with water does not cause skin irritation?

Unfortunately, there is no chemistry.

However, before we add anything to the water in the pool, we must remember a few basic safety rules:

- When using any pool chemistry products, we always store them in their original packaging.

- We keep the products out of the reach of children and never allow a child or children to use them alone. Pool chemicals are concentrated, really dangerous substances - after all, one small tablet is enough for the entire pool - that's why we keep children as far away from these preparations as possible.

- We never use agents of unknown origin, taken from non-original replacement packaging, received from "kind people", etc. We only add certain substances extracted from the original packaging to the water.

- Under no circumstances should concentrated agents be mixed together before dilution. Doing so may result in fire, explosion or release of harmful gases.

- Always read the label before using the product and follow the instructions contained therein.

- We do not use agents in an increased dose in relation to the recommended "to make them work better", such behavior may expose people using the pool to skin irritation and, in extreme cases, chemical poisoning. After all, even oversweetened coffee tastes bad, and supposedly sugar is so good.

Are pool chemistry products safe?

Yes. Pool chemistry products undergo rigorous tests and examinations before they are released to the market, but improper handling can cause unpleasant consequences. By observing a few basic safety rules, we will enjoy cool water in our garden without worrying about our safety and that of our loved ones. Pool chemicals are very safe agents if they are used in accordance with the instructions and intended use.

How to start, i.e. we are starting the pool season.

First, we need to fill the pool with water. However, if we have a stationary pool, let's remove all the remains from the last season. If possible, let's get rid of the rest of the water, remove mechanical impurities, the entire pool must be thoroughly washed. However, if we are laying out a seasonal pool, regardless of whether it is new or used in the previous season, make sure that there are no solid impurities in it, the walls and bottom of the pool are clean and the pool itself does not leak. We set the seasonal pool deliberately in a carefully selected place, carefully level it and make sure that there are no objects under the bottom of the pool that can pierce it. If the pool is already clean, we checked the bottom and the edges of the pool are intact. We can fill the pool with water.

pH of swimming pool water, i.e. we start from the basics.

When we have already filled the pool, we need to check the basic factor, i.e. the pH of the water. pH is nothing but the level of acidity or alkalinity of water. Colloquially speaking, and in a nutshell, the pH level describes whether the water in the pool is slightly acidic, slightly alkaline or neutral. Of course, neutral water is the most desirable. Neutral, i.e. in the pH range of 7.0 to 7.4. The easiest way to measure is with a pool photometer. It is a simple device that reads the basic water parameters in our pool. While pH can be determined by other methods, e.g. using litmus paper, when measuring, e.g. the level of active chlorine, our photometer may turn out to be irreplaceable.

What if we have too acidic or too alkaline water in the pool?

If after the test we find too low pH - water too acidic - or too high pH - too alkaline water - then we correct the pH of the water using pH minus or pH plus, depending on the measurement indication.

We use pH minus and pH plus products only after carefully reading the instructions and making the necessary calculations provided by the manufacturer in the instructions. After applying the agents, we must wait the necessary time specified by the manufacturer and re-measure. Only after making sure that the water has an optimal pH, we can start further work on its treatment. We never enter the water after adding any agents without first checking the water parameters.

Why is the pH of pool water so important?

  • The most important factor here is our comfort and safety. pH above 7.4, i.e. alkaline, and below 7.0, i.e. acidic, can irritate the eyes and have a bad effect on our skin, it can cause irritation and also aggravate allergic symptoms.
  • In addition, an elevated pH is also a more difficult environment for disinfectants, which means we have to use more disinfectants due to their lower effectiveness.
  • Higher pH also means faster growth of algae and bacteria in our pool.
  • High pH is conducive to the precipitation of calcium, i.e. it is easier for limescale to settle on the pool walls and fittings.
  • High pH worsens coagulation, i.e. it is harder to lose sediment in our water and thus it is turbid.
  • Too low pH causes accelerated corrosion of all metal elements and faster erosion of plastic elements. In the case of seasonal pools, low pH has a devastating effect on pool spins.

Stable pH and what next?

When we have stabilized the pH of the water at the optimal level, the next stage of pool water treatment is the fight against algae. For this purpose, it will be most convenient to add appropriate agents, e.g. Anti-Algae. Of course, we apply the agent to the water in the manner recommended by the manufacturer. In the case of Anti-Algae, pour the measured amount of the agent into the scrimmer with the water circulation turned on. The measure will not only make life difficult for the algae already present in our pool, but will also limit their growth in the future.

After mixing water with Antialgae, we can proceed to precipitate the sediment, i.e. coagulate microscopic impurities. Smaller particles, under the influence of an added agent, e.g. Superkalgu, combine into larger ones and, accordingly, either fall to the bottom of the pool where we can remove them with a net or underwater vacuum cleaner, or are caught by the filter. We apply the coagulant in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on the product packaging. Most often, the measured amount of the preparation should be dissolved in a bucket or other vessel, and then, pouring it into the water, spread it evenly in the depth of the water. The turned on water circulation will quickly cause impurities to settle on the filter and we will get crystal clear water.

The last stage of preparing a new pool for the season is water disinfection. For this purpose, we add active biocides containing active chlorine to the water. These can be, for example, Chlor tablets for the pool 20 g, Chlor Multi Tab 20 g for the pool, Chlor Shock Granules. We apply the preparations in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in the indicated doses. Most often, the tablets are thrown directly into the scrimmer with the circulation turned on, while the granulate is dissolved and the resulting solution is poured into the scrimmer. If we throw tablets or granules directly into the pool, they can permanently discolor plastic elements and even delicate ceramics with which they will have direct contact. In extreme cases, it may even damage the foil and thus destroy the pool.

Attention! We can enter the water only after the disinfectants have been thoroughly distributed in the depths of the water by the pump system and the control measurement, which will confirm the content of active factors within the safe ranges recommended by the manufacturer.

Now we can enjoy a safe bath in crystal clear water.

What to do to make our pool look so good throughout the season? How to take care of water during its use? More on that soon on our blog. Stay up to date, visit us regularly and you won't miss any of our interesting tips.

High-quality pool care products available at distripark.com

*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.