Protection of sawn timber against blue stain and fungi

article_body/publish_date 2017-01-26

Blue stain is a condition that significantly reduces the commercial value of lumber. The fungi responsible for the development of blue stains particularly often attack lumber in spring and summer. Stains appear in the structure of material stored for a long time at high temperatures. They have the form of a wedge-shaped or annular (face) or dots and streaks (sides of lumber). This process is called raw blue stain.

Although blue stain does not affect the mechanical properties of sawn timber, it significantly reduces its value, as it indicates poor storage. Such raw material will also not be appreciated in carpentry due to reduced aesthetic values. Signs of blue stain, however, do not rule out the raw material definitively. Various half-measures in the form of more or less effective mixtures of antifungal and whitening substances have been used here for a long time. The time for half-measures, however, has come to an end. We no longer have to rely on good advice or municipal news. Weiss Holz, a proven and tested agent dedicated to fighting blue stain, has been launched for sale. It is a powerful agent that also works as a bleach. The use of Weiss Holz will effectively avoid the loss of value of sawn timber - it is worth remembering that in the summer, freshly cut wood can darken very quickly, thus losing its value. And this is where a proven agent with an established position on the market (used on a large scale in sawmills) comes in handy.


Because the article about the blue stain of wood is unflaggingly popular. Based on the questions we ask him, we know that he has not exhausted the subject completely. We decided to expand the substantive part a bit to bring the issue of combating blue stain of wood even better to our customers.

What is the blue stain of wood and its impact on the usable qualities of wood?

Blue stain of wood is an aesthetic defect of raw wood consisting of grey, gray, steel and even black color of the wood. This coloration is the result of the development of fungi in the wood (exactly imperfect fungi Deuteromycetes and belonging to the ascomycetes Ascomycetes). Microscopic examinations confirm that fungi overgrow mainly through funnel-shaped cavities, only to a small extent directly damaging the cell walls of the tubules. The structure of the wood in practice remains intact. Thus, the influence of wood blue stain on its mechanical properties is negligible. Infested parts of the raw material therefore retain their utility values, but due to their unsightly appearance, they are not suitable for use in carpentry or construction. Everywhere where elements made of it will be exposed and are to be a decorative element. Material affected by blue stain, despite only aesthetic defects, was losing value, and finding buyers is a big problem.

A preparation that effectively removes the blue stain of wood.

Weiss Holz is a surface-active, liquid product that effectively combats the blue stain of wood. Available in packages from 5 kg, through 24 kg up to 240 kg - and even for particularly large industrial applications 1000 kg.

Application of the product on the blue stain of the wood.

Smaller and more detailed surfaces can be covered with the product using a brush. When we are dealing with a larger-scale application or it is subject to e.g. a ready-made roof truss or other spatial structures, we can apply the product in the form of a spray. However, when an application on a truly industrial scale is needed. Used, for example, in a sawmill, we can use baths for the entire production. Each of these methods of application provided at the stage of creating the recipe ensures equally high effectiveness of the product.

The effectiveness of Weiss Holz.

After application, the effects of the blue stain disappear after a few minutes, although you have to wait about a day for the full effect. In the case of surfaces that are particularly heavily affected by blue stain, the application of the product must be repeated in order to obtain a complete and even whitening of the surface.

Treated with Weiss Holz, round logs, beams, boards and even ready-made structures such as roof trusses, garden furniture or elements of log houses regain their full aesthetic value. Thus regaining the original value.

Weiss Holz, an effective agent that prevents and combats blue stain, is available at



Posted by Kamil (unverified) on Fri, 30/12/2016 - 11:31

Can a bathtub with Weiss Holz be in the field. What concentration in the tub of this agent and how long to keep sawn wood in it.

Posted by Lukasz Admin on Fri, 30/12/2016 - 12:29

Keeping the solution in an external bathtub requires its replenishment after each precipitation, as well as rapid decomposition on hot days. Therefore, bathing in an aqueous solution is better to conduct indoors. In this way, we avoid unnecessary dilution of the solution by, for example, rain. We can also avoid unnecessary overheating of the solution by e.g. direct sunlight, which significantly reduces its effectiveness. Basically, the preparation is ready to use and does not require dilution. The duration of the bath depends on the temperature, the concentration of the active agent in the solution - this concentration depends on the time of use of a given batch and its "exploitation", type of wood (hard, soft, wet, dry, etc.) and the depth of expected penetration. Of course, whitening and preventive baths will have different times. Unfortunately, the duration of a particular bath must be selected experimentally. If we can help in any way, please contact us. Take advantage of our offer.

Posted by Kolo (unverified) on Fri, 30/12/2016 - 12:40

Is liquid chlorine the same?

Posted by Lukasz Admin on Fri, 30/12/2016 - 12:51

Liquid chlorine is a dangerous gas - Liquefied chlorine, stored in pressurized cylinders. We offer such a product. In fact, sodium hypochlorite is commonly called liquid chlorine. As a strongly biocidal agent and having bleaching properties, it is sometimes used preventively and in intervention against blue stain of wood. As you can see, this name can be confusing, but it functions in industry jargon and is then used interchangeably for sodium hypochlorite. Weiss Holz is based on similar properties. However, it is characterized by high chemical stability compared to other agents - it does not spontaneously decompose so easily - as well as repeatability and effectiveness. Emergency measures sometimes work, sometimes they don't. Weiss Holz is a dedicated agent, proven and tested in various conditions, it works not from time to time, but always.

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*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.