What is soda lye?

article_body/publish_date 2021-03-23

What is soda lye?

Surely many people have heard the name " soda lye ". This substance was seen in the soap-making scenes in the movie Fight Club. This is one of the most memorable scenes. The great advantage of lye is undoubtedly that its use gives a lot of benefits to a really large number of industries. However, you have to be careful with its use. Why? Because it is an extremely corrosive substance, very dangerous for humans. So what should you know about lye? Where is it used? What to do if lye is spilled on the skin or drunk?

What is soda lye?

Soda lye is a substance that is formed by combining sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with water . Lye is a highly corrosive substance that, when poured on the skin, can lead to extensive burns and even tissue necrosis. You should be aware that lye is a completely odorless and tasteless substance, which makes it difficult to know that it is in the vessel.

It is worth knowing, however, that soda lye, or rather sodium hydroxide, which it consists of, is a chemical compound widely used in many industries. What are the properties of soda lye?

Sodium hydroxide has many properties. It is most often used in the chemical and cosmetic industries, although it is also used in the food industry as an acidity regulator E524. It is worth remembering that sodium hydroxide is a very strong base. In addition, sodium hydroxide has strongly hygroscopic properties, so it is able to absorb water from practically everything.

In what situations is soda lye used?

As already mentioned, many industries use caustic soda, which is made from water and sodium hydroxide. First of all, soda lye is used as a draining substance for pipes. There are many popular sodium hydroxide preparations on the market that work in a similar way. They are poured into the siphon, after which you wait from several minutes to even several hours, and then rinse the whole thing with cold water.

Lye is also used as a disinfectant. With its help, you can even clean the bathroom after an illness. Lye perfectly destroys microbes, dissolves proteins and removes fats from various surfaces, such as bathroom ceramics. However, it should not be used on objects made of cast iron, aluminum or tin. Lye can also be used as a means of washing driveways or paths - especially when they are so dirty that pressurized water cannot cope with it. Just pour 125 grams of sodium hydroxide into 5 liters of water.

The dangers of using soda lye

Sodium hydroxide and soda lye made from it are very dangerous substances. If the fumes from the lye are inhaled, a person may develop pain and watery eyes, and a burning sensation in the nose or throat. In addition, there will also be a feeling of suffocation and coughing. If soda lye falls on the skin, it causes redness, chemical burns, and in extreme cases, even tissue necrosis. If the lye gets into the eyes, the protective apparatus will be damaged and the eyeball will be burned. In turn, if the lye is drunk (and it must be remembered that this substance is odorless and tasteless), it can lead to burns of the esophagus and digestive tract. In the worst cases, the walls of the digestive tract may perforate and death may occur.

Is soda lye suitable for making soap?

In a famous scene in the movie Fight Club, soda lye was used by Tyler Durden and the Narrator to make homemade soap. Is sodium hydroxide used in this way in the real world? Of course. Soda lye is used in homemade soap production. However, its use is very complicated. First of all, it must be properly measured. Weight is used for this task. Second, sodium hydroxide is added to the water, not the other way around. In turn, the produced lye is added to the fat. Why is lye used in homemade soap making? Because it is responsible for its foaming.