Feed Glycerin 80%

Feed Glycerin 80%
About product
Feed glycerin 80% is a professional product used primarily in agriculture as a feed additive for dairy and beef cattle. It can be a substitute used to enrich feed with energy values. Feed glycerin 80% complies with the EU Directive 1831/2003/EC on feed additives.
Feed glycerin 80% is an energy additive to feed for dairy and beef cattle. Glycerin is intended for ruminant animals, also used in the treatment of cow ketosis. Feed glycerin has a pleasant sweet taste and, most importantly, high energy value, thanks to which it improves food intake by animals. Thanks to the use of cow feed, we can increase its productivity. The use of glycerin is the first step when treating an energy deficient cow or when our feed is not of the best quality. It is a source of energy during the lactation period of the cow, ensures good condition of the cows, improves reproduction parameters. Prevents drying, heating and freezing of feed on the feed table. It is a product of natural origin. In order to prevent perinatal ketosis, it should be started about 4-6 days before delivery and administered until a week after delivery.
Enclosed is a certificate of product quality.
The order fulfillment time is 3-5 working days.
  • Glycerin min. 80%, feed material
  • Methanol content below 0.16%
  • MONG content 0.4%
  • Form: liquid
  • Density: 1.26g/dm 3
  • Chemical name: Glycerol, propane-1,2,3 - triol
  • CAS No.: 56-81-5
  • Country of Origin European Union
  • The product complies with the EU Directive 1831/2003/EC on feed additives
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