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A shower cabin without streaks, stains and limescale deposits? It's easy!

article_body/publish_date 2019-03-19

Limescale in the bathroom is nothing more than a suds deposit that accumulates on the surface of the shower cabin extremely quickly. How to get rid of it? What to do to keep the cabin clean and the windows crystal clear?

The way to get rid of this problem is a surface protection preparation. Self-application of a hydrophobic coating - i.e. a coating that repels water and does not allow limescale and other dirt to accumulate - despite the fact that it involves a certain expense, it will save us work and expenses for dirt removal agents in the future.

How to apply a coating on a glass shower enclosure?

You can use the TopMeister Haus sachet - shower cabin for this purpose.

It's important to do it right:

First, cleaning and degreasing. Please note that our protective coating will not stick to an oily or dirty surface. We clean the surface with traditional means for shower cabins and remove all deposits. Now we have to degrease, i.e. we reach for a degreasing tissue (No. 1) and wipe the entire cabin thoroughly. It is important to do it efficiently, and at the same time not to unfold the handkerchief, but to keep it folded in several layers. The preparation evaporates very quickly, so if we put the opened sachet away or unroll the cloth completely, the preparation will evaporate and we will not achieve the intended effect. Wait a few moments and wipe the cabin dry with a paper towel.

The most important stage, i.e. applying a protective coating. Wipe No. 2 in the sachet is for this (protective coating). Apply the preparation with even vertical movements, up and down, spreading it evenly over the entire surface. After this action, we must take a break of about 1 minute and then thoroughly polish the surface dry. After polishing, our coating is ready, but it should not be exposed to water for another two hours. After this time, our shower cabin is protected and ready to face any dirt for a period of one year. Yes, that's right, one application of the product is enough for a year!

Is it worth securing the shower cabin?

Definitely yes!

After applying the protective layer - professionally called hydrophobic - the water flows freely on the surface without leaving single drops on it, and it does not accumulate in bends and other places of this type. A drop after evaporation leaves a trace on the glass, and a trickle of water will stain, so if such drops are not formed, there are no traces of them. Of course, some limescale or suds remain on the surface, but the protective layer means that they have - colloquially speaking - nothing to stick to and are very easy to remove by, for example, rinsing with running water.
The hydrophobic coating helps to keep our bathroom clean. TopMeister Haus - shower cabin, allows us to enjoy a clean and tidy shower cabin.

The coating is safe for impregnated surfaces, does not discolor, does not create a felt layer. The product can be easily used on shower cabins, glass and plastic doors and all types of bathroom tiles. The application is easy and fast. Cabin coating saves a lot of time when cleaning the bathroom by making it easier to clean the surfaces.


    • Glass doors for shower cabins
    • Glass and ceramic sinks
    • Glass screens for bathtubs
    • Ceramic tiles


    • Very simple in application.

    • It maintains its properties for a period of 12 months after a single application.
    • Nanoparticles provide higher efficiency than other traditional preparations.

    • It reduces the formation of dirt, streaks and stains on shower cabins, glass and ceramic surfaces.

    • Long period of operation and high efficiency.

    • Quick and easy application.

    • Very high performance.

    • The water on the protected glass flows faster, which means that there is less time for the scale to settle.

    • Water vapor condenses and flows faster from the surface of the glass.

    • The windows stay clean longer, so they need to be washed less often, which means you save time, but also money spent on cleaning agents


TopMeister Haus - shower cabin available at distripark.com

* This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.