Action of lysine and its properties

article_body/publish_date 2022-03-18

For the proper development of every organism, it is necessary to provide many building substances. Among them, proteins, including exogenous amino acids, play an important role. One of them is lysine. Read about the effects of lysine on the human body and find out why it is used in farm animal husbandry.

Lysine - physicochemical properties

Lysine is an organic chemical compound belonging to the group of exogenous amino acids. This means that the human body is unable to produce it on its own or synthesize it from available energy resources. It is necessary to provide it with food.

In its pure form, lysine is a white solid and soluble in water. It is an extremely important building component of bones and muscle tissue. It helps to maintain concentration and is involved in the production of many hormones, as well as collagen.

The supply of the amino acid improves immunity and soothes the effects of colds. Scientific reports indicate strong anti-cancer and antioxidant effects of this compound. In combination with carnitine, lysine protects the cardiovascular system from the effects of atherosclerosis and strengthens the heart muscle.

Who should take lysine ?

The increased supply of lysine is especially important during the growth period. Therefore, you should take care of its content in the diet of children in the maturation phase. Lysine supplementation is allowed from the age of 2, but the dose of the substance should be consulted with a doctor. It should be adjusted to the weight of the child.

Due to the effect accelerating the regeneration of the body, lysine supplementation can also be used by people who are hospitalized or recovering from injury. The compound stimulates the secretion of collagen, so it can also be taken by elderly people who want to maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The legitimacy of taking lysine is worth paying attention to in the context of physically active people. The substance stimulates the secretion of growth hormone. By increasing calcium uptake, it is an element of injury prevention by strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

Lysine deficiency symptoms

Lysine deficiency is relatively easy to recognize. It is usually manifested by general weakness of the body, a decrease in the condition of the skin, which becomes dry and tense, and hair that falls out. Weakness is most often accompanied by reduced appetite and lack of energy.

Chronic lack of lysine in the diet can cause irritability, bone weakness and reduction of muscle mass, and in extreme cases even anemia.

Chronic lysine deficiency in children is particularly severe. In their case, growth processes may even be inhibited.

Where is lysine found?

This exogenous amino acid is relatively easy to provide with food. The highest concentration of lysine is found in:

  • fish - tuna and herring;
  • meat - both red and white;
  • dairy products - especially in cottage cheese and its derivatives;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables - red beans, green peas, parsley.

With a balanced diet, neither vegetarians nor vegans are exposed to deficiencies of this ingredient. The acceptable daily dose of an amino acid has not been clearly established. However, it is considered a substance that is completely safe for health. The recommended concentration for each kilogram of body weight is: 30-35 mg for an adult, 10-12 mg for children. In physically active people, the demand may be even 15-20% higher.

The compound is also sold in the form of a mono-preparation as a dietary supplement. You can easily buy it in a pharmacy or specialized stores with dietary supplements for physically active people.

Lysine in pig farming

Lysine is essential not only for the proper development of the human body. It is used as a nutritional supplement to animal feed in the perinatal period, just like another amino acid - methionine. The so-called feed lysine is used as an ingredient:

  • feed premixes for pigs;
  • feed for poultry and pigeons;
  • nutritional supplements for horses;
  • dog and cat food;
  • fish nutrient mixes.

The properties of lysine guarantee the acceleration of the synthesis of body proteins, and thus - weight gain. Regular supply of lysine increases the body's resistance to diseases and the action of microorganisms. The substance improves the energy density of fodders, feeds and mixtures. It is present in almost 90% of products available on the market.

Research conducted by a team of scientists from China and the United States showed that cows whose feed contained the addition of lysine, increased milk production as early as the third week after calving. In the serum of the tested animals, a decrease in the concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate and free fatty acids was also found.

The big advantage of feed lysine is its low price. Some breeders use the universal properties of the amino acid to reduce expenses on expensive ingredients for animal feed. The compound is absorbed in 100%, which makes it much more efficient than vegetable, hard-to-digest sources of protein. It is also a simple way to reduce the total protein content of the feed and control the nitrogen emissions associated with its processing.

If you are looking for high quality fodder lysine , check out the offer of chemical wholesaler. We offer top-class lysine in a stable form of hydrochloride. This guarantees effective operation and quick results.

Lysine available in our offer is ready to be used as a feed ingredient. Depending on the needs, we deliver it in quantities from 25 kilograms to even several dozen tons. Therefore, you can easily adjust the size of the order to the needs resulting from the scale of your business.