Application and properties of soda ash

article_body/publish_date 2022-08-08

Soda ash, also known as light washing soda, is considered an ecological substitute for chemical cleaning and washing agents. It is a product commonly used both in industry and in households. What is worth knowing about the properties and applications of soda ash?

What is soda ash?

In stores and wholesalers, soda ash can be found under various names. Chemists and people in the chemical industry describe this substance as anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). In colloquial language, it occurs as soda or washing soda, but it should not be confused with the popular kitchen baking soda.

The term: soda ash is a salt of carbonic acid and sodium, formed in the process of calcination, i.e. roasting soda. This process takes place in specialized industrial laboratories. Under natural conditions, soda ash occurs in soda lakes in Asia and Africa, as well as in some ashed species of oceanic flora.

What are the properties of soda ash?

Soda ash is in the form of a white powder. She is:

  • crystalline,
  • hygroscopic (absorbs water),
  • non-flammable,
  • dusty,
  • alkaline.

The melting point of soda ash is 851°C, and the density of the powder is 2.5 g/cm³.

Anhydrous sodium carbonate exhibits several interesting properties:

  • reacts with acids, is a regulator of acidity of various substances,
  • loosens semi-finished products and food products,
  • inhibits the processes of agglomeration of substances.

Particularly noteworthy are the washing properties of soda ash. This widely available powder perfectly softens water, eliminates stains and perfectly whitens yellowed clothing or textiles.

Is soda ash a dangerous substance?

Anhydrous sodium carbonate is recognized as an ecological cleaning agent and a harmless food additive. However, it is worth knowing that the consumption or long-term inhalation of soda ash is harmful to health. Na2CO3 irritates the skin, mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and throat, and can also cause food poisoning. For safety reasons, soda ash at home should be stored away from children, in tightly closed containers.

Industrial applications of soda ash

Due to its valuable properties, anhydrous sodium carbonate is still finding new applications in industry. It is eagerly used by entities from the food industry, paper mills, as well as companies dealing in the production of washing agents for home and business. In the chemical industry, soda ash is a valued additive, necessary for the production of various types of:

  • paint pigments,
  • natural soaps,
  • cleaning powders and liquids,
  • mineral fertilizers.

In glassworks, soda ash is used as a raw material for melting glass. Food manufacturers often use baking soda as an addition to cakes, muffins and powdered foodstuffs, such as milk or jelly. The chemical compound Na2CO3, due to its whitening and anti-caking properties, is valued by producers of the cosmetics industry, creators of care creams, toothpastes, etc.

Soda ash in households: application

Light sodium carbonate has been used by enthusiasts of ecological solutions for many years, looking for non-toxic, safe washing and cleaning agents. The white powder is a component of broad-spectrum home remedies. A few tablespoons of soda ash are enough to prepare a mixture with a whitening, washing or cleaning effect in a few seconds. Na2CO3 is also a natural agent that eliminates blockages in drain pipes and toilets. Soda ash will work well as a component of the floor cleaning solution. You can make home-made dishwasher tablets or laundry capsules from it. Thanks to it, the risk of damage to devices due to hard water is reduced.

How to get rid of fungus from walls and windows? In removing mold, soda ash is second to none! It is a component of home water-based antifungal preparations. By applying soda as an abrasive directly to the scourer, you can regain the shine of pots or burnt grill grates in a few minutes. Homemade soda powder will make it easier to clean smooth surfaces of mirrors, glass and ceramics.

How to make soda ash at home and how to use sodium carbonate?

You do not need to buy expensive detergents to keep your home clean. How to use the washing properties of soda and prepare cleaning agents at home? It is enough to pour a few tablespoons of baking soda on a baking sheet and set the oven to about 200 ° C. After 60-80 minutes, the calcination is complete. The obtained soda ash is a ready-made semi-finished product - it can be used directly on various surfaces as a cleaning agent or combined with other substances to obtain additional properties.

It is enough to mix soda ash with borax to obtain a mixture with a whitening and decongestant effect. Sodium carbonate combined with warm water creates a ready-made liquid for washing floors and descaling.