Biodegradable waste - what is it?

article_body/publish_date 2022-11-10

Organic waste is one of the main categories of waste, along with plastic, glass, paper and mixed waste. Despite the spread of brown BIO markings on containers, many consumers still have problems understanding what biodegradable waste to throw into them. What does bio waste mean ? You will find the answer in this article.

Biodegradable garbage: what is it?

In the last two decades, there has been more and more talk about the need to segregate and recycle deaths. Bio waste in particular has great potential. what is it ? The definition of this term is available in the Waste Act of 14 December 2012. According to this act, biodegradable waste can be defined as bio-waste. It can be garbage from:

  • gardens and parks,
  • gastronomy (restaurants, canteens, mass catering establishments),
  • wholesaler,
  • offices,
  • establishments producing food or placing it on the market.

What is biodegradation? It is the process of decomposing waste of organic origin. Organic particles are broken down by bacteria, fungi and protozoa. In the final phase of biodegradation, the starting material becomes plant food and has an easily digestible form.

Biodegradable waste - what is it? Examples

Every day you generate various types of organic waste. How to recognize which of them can be classified as bio waste? What are leftovers? On the list of bio waste that decomposes the fastest, you will find, among others:

  • peelings, fruit and vegetable peels, cores,
  • leaves, mowed grass, tree bark,
  • raw wood scraps and sawdust,
  • eggshells,
  • tea and coffee grounds,
  • food scraps (bread, processed foods).

Are all food scraps biodegradable? You need to know that there are 2 methods of selecting this type of waste. Some specialists are of the opinion that there should be no leftovers of animal origin or foods containing processed fats in bio containers. Others are of the opinion that biowaste also includes spoiled food and boneless meat. How to avoid segregation errors? Pay attention to the information posted on the local PSZOK website (Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste).

What should not be thrown into biodegradable waste containers?

Some bio waste is not compostable or recyclable. What should not be thrown into the biowaste container? Never put in it:

  • animal bones, fish bones,
  • animal excrement, litter, contaminated sawdust,
  • expired drugs and supplements,
  • oils,
  • processed wood (board, etc.),
  • land of flowers,
  • damp paper,
  • expired food in plastic packaging.

So what to do with such organic waste? Throw them in the mixed waste bin.

Important! When selecting leftovers, pay special attention to separating resources of different categories. Remove plastic packaging, aluminum trays and cardboard boxes from bio-waste. Always put soiled materials in the black mixed waste bin.

What is made of bio waste?

Many people ask themselves, why select organic pulp in the form of bio waste? How do you reuse half-decomposed mountains of garbage? It turns out that they have considerable potential as a natural fertilizer or biogas! PSZOK plants transfer biological waste to special companies dealing with biomass processing. This raw material can be subjected to the process of fermentation or combustion.

From peelings, egg shells and vegetable and fruit leftovers, a great, high-quality fertilizer full of minerals is created. Thanks to it, crops, vegetables, shrubs and trees grow faster and are more lush. Organic mass is also a renewable source of energy! As a result of their fermentation, carbon dioxide and methane are produced. In biogas plants, the gases are used as fuels to produce heat or electricity (they are used in power generators and heating boilers).

What is the importance of segregation of biodegradable waste?

Is it worth selecting biowaste? The answer is: definitely worth it! This is a forward-looking, pro-ecological action that is needed. Thanks to it, humanity saves non-renewable resources, reduces the amount of newly generated garbage and greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling and reuse of organic matter means that the area of ​​dangerous landfills is also gradually shrinking. The less poisonous landfills there are on Earth, the better the quality of air, water and soil becomes.

As a result of the selection and processing of bio waste, high-quality organic and mineral fertilizers are produced. These are innovative products that successfully replace artificially produced chemical preparations. They also make it possible to keep natural raw materials in a closed loop. Biogas is an interesting alternative to natural gas, for which the demand in Poland and around the world is still growing.