Biofireplace safe fire at home

article_body/publish_date 2017-01-26

Fire is the atavistic warmth that unites us around the "home hearth". The heat and light emanating from the flame calms and soothes us in a way unattainable for other sources of heat. An interesting way to introduce "live fire" wherever the installation of traditional hearths is not possible or unjustified is the Biofireplace. The fuel burned in the bio fireplace emits exhaust gases in the form of water and carbon dioxide, which does not require connecting it to the chimney ducts. Such fumes, or rather the water contained in them, naturally moisten the air in the room. The amount of carbon dioxide produced as a result of burning biofuel is comparable to the amount exhaled by two adults. Depending on its size, the room may not require even more than standard ventilation with a reasonable level of exhaust emissions. The biofireplace can be placed anywhere and even hung on the wall. When designing its location inside, however, it should be remembered that it is a source of fire, so it should not be placed near flammable or temperature-sensitive objects. Airy curtains and curtains should also not be able to come into contact with the hearth, even if they are drawn into the room by a draft.
The key element for the operation of the Biofireplace is the selected fuel. It is important that during combustion it does not emit an unpleasant odor and substances harmful to humans and animals. Unfortunately, there are very different fuels for bio fireplaces of very different quality available on the market. There is often no correlation between quality and price. Poor quality fuel can not only burn faster, give off an unpleasant smell or slowly poison the household. If it is made of poor raw material and contains too many light fractions, a flame-heated container with such fuel may explode and lead to a tragedy. Another element that you should pay attention to when buying fuel for a bio fireplace is the raw material from which it was made. It is important that the source of fuel are substances of natural origin from the so-called renewable sources, and not fossil fuels. By burning fuel obtained, for example, from plants, we emit carbon dioxide originally bound by plants into the atmosphere. The greenhouse gas balance therefore remains unchanged. By burning fossil fuels, we emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which significantly contribute to global warming. The condition of our planet depends on each of us, also on what fuel we choose for the bio fireplace. It may seem like a small amount to us, but if we all make the right choices, we could change the fate of our planet.



Posted by Kaja (unverified) on Sun, 11/12/2016 - 14:25

Can a biofireplace "warm up" an apartment? More specifically, it's a holiday home.

Posted by Lukasz Admin on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 15:41

On the housing, or in the documentation of the bio fireplace, you should find information about the rated power of the device. This will be a value expressed in "kiliwatts" or kW. The power of the Biofireplace will probably fluctuate around 1 kW, up to 2 kW, depending on its size. For comparison, the rated power of a traditional fireplace ranges from 12 to 24 kW. It can be seen that heating a room with a bio fireplace is very problematic. They are decorative devices rather than capable of offering real functional heating power. Such a device should not be treated as a source of heat, but rather as a decorative element. Even in the case of a summer house, it is possible to warm it up with a bio-fireplace on a cold August evening, but in September I would not risk spending the night in it with a bio-fireplace as the only source of heat.

Posted by Kasia (unverified) on Sun, 11/12/2016 - 14:32

We used fuel for the bio fireplace recommended by the seller from the store where we bought the bio fireplace. Unfortunately, the house was filled with an unpleasant smell. A friend recommended me to buy fuel in your store, she uses it herself and is very satisfied. Unfortunately, after 15-20 minutes of burning, the house is filled with a characteristic unpleasant metallic smell. Why theoretically proven fuel sometimes works sometimes not?

Posted by Lukasz Admin on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 15:42

As you yourself noticed, the tested fuel sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't. Most likely, the problem is not with the fuel, but with the biofireplace. Most likely, your biofireplace has a construction defect or has been incorrectly installed or assembled incorrectly. To clarify the matter, I advise against using this device. It would be wise to go to the store where you bought the biofireplace and ask for help under the warranty. Perhaps the problem is trivial and all you need is the intervention of the service team and the device will start working properly. Unfortunately, there is also a possibility that the device has a design defect that prevents its further operation.

Posted by Marta (unverified) on Tue, 20/12/2016 - 13:38

There are a lot of reports on the Internet about accidents and burns of people using bio fireplaces. How real is the threat?

Posted by Lukasz Admin on Tue, 20/12/2016 - 13:56

Miss Martha. There are a lot of devices on the market and a lot of fuels dedicated to bio fireplaces. Both of very different quality. Especially bio fireplaces imported from Asia have a bad reputation among sellers when it comes to quality. Our national self-confidence and Uhlan temperament do not help either, because who needs instructions. Unfortunately, if the fireplace itself is of low quality or has been incorrectly assembled, poor quality or even improvised fuel is used, attempts are made to replace gel fuel with liquid fuel and vice versa, fuel is added to a working hot device, the device is operated contrary to the instructions, etc. Then it's not hard to have an accident. However, if we have a properly installed device from a reputable manufacturer, we use proven, unexpired fuel and follow the instructions of the manual attached to the fireplace and fuel. In that case, we can rest easy. It is enough to follow common sense safety rules to be able to enjoy fire at home without fear. We have sold many packages of our fuel and have not had a single report of irregularities. This is how it is in the modern world that information that something works properly is no information and a sensation is news. And we repeat these and it may be that one accident reported in many media suddenly grows to the rank of an epidemic. Summing up, the problem of security must not be underestimated, but it must also not panic. A bio fireplace is a really safe source of fire at home.

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*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.