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Calcium chloride - an ecological alternative in chloride fertilization

article_body/publish_date 2017-01-26

Can chlorine contribute to healthy plant development? As it turns out, chlorides (i.e. anionic forms of chlorine) have a number of properties that positively affect the development of plants. First of all, the presence of chlorides in the soil significantly accelerates the assimilation of various minerals. In addition, it participates in the process of plant photosynthesis and protects against the development of fungi. A lack of chloride can translate into incomplete protein production in plants.

An example of an inexpensive fertilizer that is able to deliver a large amount of chloride to the soil is calcium chloride. With the fertilization of 100 kilograms of calcium chloride, approximately 32 kilograms of chloride alone are delivered to the soil. The use of fertilizer will allow for a quick delivery of this substance to the ground - it is worth remembering that chlorides are very soluble in water. It is an excellent proposition for organic crops, and at the same time an alternative to the extremely expensive potassium sulphate.

On the other hand, in the case of plants that tolerate chlorides well (such as beets, celery, frost-resistant kiwi, cabbage), as well as cereals (wheat, rye), fertilization should be carried out using a dose of 30-150 kg/ha within 12 months. It is worth remembering that fertilization should be divided into two rounds - spring and summer. This is due to the fact that the fertilizer can be washed out. Suggested doses are, for example, 40-70 kg in spring and another 30 kg in autumn (in the case of cereals).

Calcium chloride can be found at distripark.com .


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.