Caustic soda. Its application

article_body/publish_date 2021-03-23

Caustic soda. Its use

Caustic soda is another name for sodium hydroxide. It is also sometimes called caustic soda. It is most often used to clear pipes. In addition, it is used in many industries. What is worth knowing about this inorganic chemical compound? In what situations can it be used? What happens when baking soda comes into contact with human tissues? How to neutralize its effect? You can find out all this in the article below.

What is caustic soda?

Caustic soda is otherwise caustic soda. It is a chemical compound classified as hydroxide, which is one of the strongest alkalis, the pH of which is as high as 14. It is worth being aware that this inorganic chemical compound is used in practice in almost every industry - not only chemical or cosmetic, but also food or pharmaceutical . What definitely distinguishes sodium hydroxide are its hygroscopic properties.

What is the danger of using caustic soda?

What is caustic soda used for ? There are many dangers of using caustic soda . First of all, it is a substance that, when inhaled, causes shortness of breath, pain and tearing of the eyes, as well as coughing and a burning sensation in the throat and nose. If baking soda gets on the skin, it can cause redness at best and tissue necrosis at worst. Often there is a chemical burn along with very painful blisters. If a solution of caustic soda and water splashes into the eye, its protective apparatus will be destroyed and the eyeball will burn. Also, don't forget what happens when lye (caustic soda mixed with water) is drunk. At best, from the throat, through the esophagus, to the rest of the digestive tract - everything will be burned. In worse cases, the walls of the digestive tract may be perforated (i.e. tear apart). In the worst case, drinking lye can even cause death.

How to neutralize the effect of caustic soda? In a very simple way - with vinegar. The skin should not be poured with water. However, if soda gets into the eye, water is used instead of vinegar. However, if soda is swallowed - then you need to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Caustic soda for clearing pipes

The most popular use of caustic soda is to clear pipes. There are many popular products on the market that are used in this way. And how to use caustic soda when unblocking? It is extremely simple, but you need to maintain an appropriate dose of security. Just pour a few tablespoons of powder or granules into the clogged siphon and wait from several minutes to several hours, then rinse everything with cold water.

There is also a faster way, but more dangerous. You can pour some warm water into the siphon first, and then add the caustic soda. In such cases, however, you have to be prepared for the appearance of fumes and quite a lot of foam that splashes and can accidentally touch bare skin.

Caustic soda for removing paints and varnishes

Another use of caustic soda is removing paints and varnishes from metal and wooden surfaces. However, it should be remembered that soda darkens oak wood. Thanks to its properties, soda is able to undermine every layer of varnish and paint, thanks to which they can be easily removed from the surface. The great advantage of using caustic soda is the fact that thanks to it you can avoid very time-consuming processes such as grinding.

Caustic soda for disinfection

Caustic soda is also used to disinfect various surfaces. It is used to clean bathrooms after a family member is sick. Soda is great at removing fat, protein or microbes. It is not dangerous for ceramic tiles, but it should not be used to clean aluminum, tin or cast iron objects. What should also be remembered is the fact that after finishing work, wash the soda from the bathroom surfaces with a large amount of cold water. Thanks to this, no one in the household will get burned.

Caustic soda for washing paths

Caustic soda is also suitable for washing front paths and driveways. Just pour 125 grams of sodium hydroxide into 5 liters of water. Such a solution perfectly copes even with those dirt, which, however, cannot be dealt with by pressurized water. Thanks to caustic soda, you are able to keep paving stones perfectly clean even after years of use.

Caustic soda for making soap

What raises a lot of controversy is the use of caustic soda for home soap production. It is very dangerous. When creating a soap mixture, you need to carefully measure the amount of caustic soda you will need. A very accurate scale is required for this task. It is also worth remembering that soda is added to water, and ready-made lye to fat. What is caustic soda needed for? It is thanks to her that homemade soap is able to lather.