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Copper sulphate in the prevention and prevention of finger technopathy and foot canal lesions in cattle, goats and sheep.

article_body/publish_date 2017-01-26

Cattle, goats and sheep in the autumn and winter period, due to their permanent stay in the barn, are particularly exposed to foot canal diseases. These diseases, due to the impairment of the musculoskeletal system, cause particularly painful discomfort in the animal caused by the instinctive fear of predators. Individuals with reduced mobility have always been exposed to predator attacks, although this threat has been eliminated in factory farming, the instinct still tells the animal to be ready to flee. The lack of such readiness causes anxiety and discomfort, which may be manifested by hyperactivity, decrease in milk yield as well as reduced general condition, which makes it more susceptible to infections and infections, including secondary ones.

Causes and mechanism of the formation of lesions within the hoof capsule.

Animals staying in the barn do not have the opportunity to dry the hoof can, and thus the intercellular binder is washed out by the ubiquitous moisture. The result of defects in the cementum is the loss of structural and functional integrity of the corneal cells, which causes microcracks within the corneal capsule. Micro-cracks plus moisture plus heat are ideal conditions for the growth of keratolytic bacteria. Their enzymes additionally deepen the degradation of the horn, and mechanical loads combined with deeper and deeper penetrating moisture irritate the material. Irritated tissue produces a horn of increasingly poorer quality. If this is a vicious circle, the weaker the horn, the greater the irritation of the material, so the worse corner will not be interrupted, it can lead to serious finger technopathies.

Prophylaxis in the field of pathological changes within the foot canal.

In addition to regular cleaning of floors, grates, replacement of bedding and hygiene of lairs, it is necessary to periodically disinfect hooves. It is carried out in tubs on the shoots in a liquid that disinfects and hardens the hoof horn. The overflow tub should have gentle slopes and the width should be selected in such a way that each of the legs is immersed in the working liquid at least once. The depth must be great enough that each claw is completely submerged, including the space between the claws.

A fluid commonly used in Western European countries for this purpose is a 2-10% water solution of copper sulphate. Copper sulfate as a disinfectant removes keratolytic bacteria, but also permanently impairs the metabolism of fungal pathogens. With one preventive bath, you can therefore obtain a protective effect against bacteria and fungi, as well as drying and strengthening the horny horn of the hoof.

*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.