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Disinfection of hives with caustic soda? Or maybe otherwise?

article_body/publish_date 2021-07-30

Disinfection of hives with caustic soda? Or maybe otherwise?

Beekeepers, equipping their apiaries with hives, decide on various types of constructions that will function as houses for bee families. In practice, wood, fibreboards, plywood or wood-like boards (so-called OSfB) are used for their construction. In the meadows you can also find straw, polystyrene and polyurethane hives.

You should remember - regardless of the material used for construction - about regular decontamination of the hive. We explain how the disinfection of hives should be carried out and what means will work best for this.

Why is hive decontamination important?

Hygienic and conscious management of the apiary allows to minimize livestock losses as a result of diseases that affect both worker bees and drones. In order to ensure cleanliness in the "bee kingdom", it is necessary to regularly disinfect hives and beekeeping equipment.

There are several theories popular among beekeepers, but the generally accepted one assumes that decontamination should be carried out in the autumn and winter. This is also the time to repair the damage and complete the beekeeping equipment.

If we do not care about the health of bees, it will quickly turn out that beekeeping production is not very profitable. Research conducted by beekeeping associations has shown that often the beekeeper himself is to blame for the spread of infection. Insects become infected not only from sick individuals, but also from contact with infected equipment that is used for care.

How should the decontamination of the hive take place ?

Beekeepers distinguish three types of hive disinfection:

  • mechanical,
  • physical,
  • chemical.

Mechanical actions consist in thoroughly cleaning the inside of the hive, scraping it, and washing it with water with the addition of a bactericidal or virucidal agent. The physical disinfection of the hives is carried out using high or low temperatures (sunbathing or boiling or freezing, respectively). Some beekeepers limit themselves to exposing part of the hive directly to sunlight.

Increasingly, specially selected chemicals for disinfecting hives are used for decontamination . This can be e.g. calcium chloride , acetic acid , milk of lime or caustic soda , used to combat e.g.

Especially in the last case, take far-reaching precautions, because Kissilla is a highly corrosive substance. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a solution with a concentration of not more than 2%, and to put on protective clothing and accessories, an apron, gloves, glasses (or the entire beekeeping suit).

Remember not to come very close to the surface being cleaned when disinfecting the hives with caustic soda , because the respiratory tract may be irritated. You should use a long-handled brush.

It is very important to neutralize the residues of substances that may have remained on the elements of the hive after cleaning with the use of caustic soda. For this purpose, use an acid solution (even plain water with vinegar will work). This will keep the bees from being exposed to irritating chemicals.

Cleaning and disinfection of polystyrene hives

In the case of hives made of styrodur (extruded polyester), the use of some cleaning methods (e.g. tanning) is impossible due to the very high risk of damage to the elements.

Beekeepers advise to disinfect the hive at a low temperature. Under these conditions, the putty and sealing wax produced by the bees are dry and easily chipped or scraped off without damaging the support material. You can use a regular knife, penknife or specialized beekeeping tools, e.g. a chisel. In the same way, clean the ribs, walls, bottoms and ceilings.

For the disinfection itself, you can use a solution of soda lye. Remember about the basic health and safety rules, your own safety, and to disinfect polystyrene hives outdoors (or at least in a well-ventilated room).

If you want to use other chemicals instead of caustic soda (e.g. commonly used Rapicid or Vircon), you can use them to wash individual elements of the hive or even use a pressure washer.

Methods and agents for disinfection of wooden hives

In the case of hives made of wood, most beekeepers choose to burn the structural elements of the hive with a hand-held gas burner. Remember not to omit any of the elements (we also tan the roof, bridge or outlet).

It is assumed that tanning should be carried out until the wood turns slightly brown. Of course, some burnt wood and soot may be produced during the process, which must be removed very carefully with a brush.

In the case of wooden structures, you can also disinfect the hives with caustic soda , but remember that too strong a solution will penetrate the wood grain. Therefore, the subsequent scrubbing with vinegar solution should be carried out more carefully than in the case of Styrodur beehives.

Disinfecting the hives with caustic soda or using other methods is very important for maintaining the hygiene of the apiary and the health of bee colonies. They should be carried out immediately after detecting an outbreak of infection, thanks to which you will minimize potential losses.

Professional hive disinfectants are best purchased from online wholesalers such as Distripark . Big chains guarantee low prices. They also often use loyalty programs and discounts for regular customers.