Division and use of chemical plant protection products

article_body/publish_date 2022-01-04

When biological methods of protecting crops turn out to be insufficient, farmers must reach for more decisive methods. They include e.g. chemical plant protection products . Read how to choose specifics for the type of threat and what to watch out for when buying plant protection products online .

What are chemical plant protection products ?

Plant protection products are understood as single substances, their mixtures, as well as live microorganisms, whose task is to inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms and pests and to protect plants or improve their growth efficiency.

Some plant protection products eliminate pests and their larvae by killing them. Many stop the impact of microorganisms in less drastic ways, such as by slowing down the reproductive cycle or deterring them from an area.

Chemical plant protection products that do not kill living organisms are:

  • repellents - have a deterrent effect that affects individual species of organisms;
  • antifeedants – inhibit insect feeding or egg laying;
  • attractants - they intensify the work of bees during pollination by increasing the attractiveness of selected plants;
  • pheromones – they make it easier to get rid of pests by scaring them away or catching them in a trap.

When to use chemical plant protection products?

Depending on the mode of action, chemical plant protection products can be used preventively or ad hoc, when natural methods have proven to be too weak, but you do not want to implement fertilizers yet.

Preventive application involves spraying the plants with chemicals before they begin to produce buds. This inhibits the development of microorganisms that feed on young shoots or inflorescences and prevents the laying of eggs, which will then hatch into fruit-destroying larvae.

Ad hoc use of chemical plant protection products makes sense when you notice changes that indicate a developing disease. You should do this as soon as you identify the first symptoms. This is why regular crop inspections are so important!

Types of plant protection products - gardening online stores

Plant protection products sold in garden stores can be divided according to various criteria. You should know them, because thanks to this you are able to choose the right weapon against a specific threat.

The basic division of chemical plant protection products concerns the type of pests to be controlled.


They are used to treat diseases caused by fungi. When using fungicides, you must remember to provide the plants with air circulation and, if possible, keep the leaves and stems dry. Moisture accelerates the development of the disease!


They are used to eliminate weeds that grow in the crop area. This will give the plants you plant more access to light and nutrients. Herbicides should be selected carefully, as many of them work on all types of plants (few are selective).


Molluscicides help in the fight against snails. Most often they are in the form of granules that should be scattered around the affected plants or on the surface of the beds.


This type of chemistry effectively fights spider mites, whiteflies and other types of mites. It works on eggs, larvae and adults.


Algae kills algae. They are especially useful in the summer when algae bloom. They can then reduce the permeability of the soil and also hinder the growth of organisms in the water by taking up large amounts of oxygen.


Soil-applied nematicides help fight nematodes that destroy the underground parts of plants. Violation of the root structure creates a gateway for other microbes.


Agents from the group of rodenticides help get rid of rodents, which can be a nuisance especially in winter. Mice and rats willingly enter the foil and greenhouses, where they nibble on the above-ground parts of plants.


Insecticides fight insects that can damage crops either directly (e.g. by eating leaves or stems) or indirectly (by laying eggs on plants from which larvae hatch). Depending on the specificity, it can work on single species or even entire groups of insects.

Plant protection specialists also divide preparations according to the method of their application. Chemical pesticides can be applied to the soil, but many are applied directly to the plant. Then there's the chemistry:

  • systemic - it is absorbed by the plant;
  • contact - it is used to cover the plant, but it is not absorbed by it;
  • translamination - penetrates through the surface of the leaves;
  • physical - protects against access to the plant.

The correct selection of protective measures is extremely important for achieving the expected crops or harvest. You can add adjuvants (e.g. EXOwet R3 ) to make the chemicals you use more permanent. They make the active substances easier to spray and they stay on the leaves longer.

What to watch out for when choosing chemical plant protection products?

Mail order sale of plant protection products is the delivery channel most often chosen by farmers and gardeners.

A wide range of products, attractive prices and large packaging make such purchases profitable and you can secure a supply of chemicals for several seasons at a low cost. What is worth paying attention to when buying plant protection products in an online gardening store?

  1. Choose only products from proven manufacturers. It is a guarantee of effective operation that is tailored to your needs.

  1. Make sure that the manufacturer adds instructions for use to the package. There you will find the necessary information on the correct concentration of the agent, methods of its use and tips on protecting the skin of the hands, face and eyes.

In the offer of the Distripark chemical wholesaler, you will find a wide selection of preparations that can be used in agriculture, for growing trees and shrubs, as well as additives that improve the effect of popular agents.

Protect your plants with Distripark and don't worry about pests!