Functions and application of hydrochloric acid

article_body/publish_date 2022-04-07

Hydrochloric acid, better known as hydrochloric acid , is a compound without which many industries could not function. Associated mainly with chemistry lessons, it is one of the basic intermediates, e.g. in the textile and pharmaceutical industries. In small amounts, we even consume it every day without realizing it. Learn about the functions of hydrochloric acid and find out what properties it has.

Physicochemical properties of hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid is an inorganic chemical compound from the group of anaerobic acids. It is a combination of a hydrogen atom and a chlorine atom. Its chemical formula is HCl. In its pure form, the compound is a colorless liquid, which in sufficiently high concentration emits suffocating and irritating vapors. Technical hydrochloric acid has a yellow color, which results from the contamination of the solution with iron ions.

The compound dissolves in water practically without limits. It is very easy to heat it up and bring it to a boil. A solution with a concentration of 35% reaches the boiling point already at 62°C.

You may remember from your biology class that HCl is found in the digestive tract of all mammals (including humans). It supports proper digestion and participates in the fight against harmful microorganisms.

Hydrochloric acid functions

The use of hydrochloric acid is crucial for the smooth functioning of many industries in the industry. Where is it most often used?

The substance is crucial in technological processes carried out in the textile, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and construction industries. Mining also uses it. It is difficult to list all the sectors that could not function without the use of hydrochloric acid.

In the electrical industry , hydrochloric acid is used to make integrated circuits. In a broader context, it is used in metallurgy during the so-called metal etching, i.e. cleaning their surface from various types of impurities, such as iron oxides. Etching is carried out before the implementation of further processing methods, which are to improve the technical parameters of the product (e.g. galvanization) or prepare it for metalwork treatments.

In the textile industry, the compound is used for dyeing and bleaching materials, as well as enhancing this effect by neutralizing alkaline residues that are found in the fibres. In turn, in the processing of plastics, it is used to produce plastic and the popular PVC, used, among others, in for the production of window frames.

In cosmetics, hydrochloric acid is used as a preservative, transition promoter and pH regulator. In low concentration, it has an antiseptic effect and fights harmful microbes. Interestingly, it also has a protective function for some vitamins and facilitates the absorption of e.g. calcium through the skin. Most often you will find it in various types of scrubs, creams and masks.

In construction, the substance is sometimes used as an additive to concrete and mortar. It is also an important component of glues and binders.

Working with hydrochloric acid requires great care and the use of protective clothing. It should not be forgotten that it has a highly corrosive effect. Depending on the intended use, you will encounter different concentrations of the compound:

  • technical hydrochloric acid is most often present in concentrations of 28, 35 and 37%;
  • hydrochloric acid for food applications is typically 9 or 33%.

The correct choice of concentration determines the appropriate technical parameters and effectiveness of the chemical substance. If you need to buy hydrochloric acid for your company, but you are not sure which concentration will be optimal for your needs, take advantage of professional advice offered by specialists from

Hydrochloric acid in the technological process of food production

The wide range of functions of hydrochloric acid predestines this compound to be used also in the food industry - mainly brewing and confectionery.

In the production of beer , HCl is used to lower the pH of the water. Thanks to this, the drink has the right taste, and a sufficiently low concentration of the active substance does not change its aroma.

In turn, the confectionery industry uses hydrochloric acid for the production of food dyes, as well as an acidity regulator with the number E507 - to neutralize the pH, thicken the solution or as a hydrolyzate. Particularly often, producers use it to produce gelatin and invert sugar.

E507 acid can be found in the composition of many products that you consume every day:

  • curd and homogenized cheeses;
  • ready-made spice mixes;
  • syrups;
  • baby food.

You don't have to worry about an allergic reaction. The concentration of HCl in these products is very low and completely safe for health.

The use of hydrochloric acid at home

Diluted hydrochloric acid is a component of many cleaning preparations. It is especially recommended for removing scale deposits that accumulate on the surface of the sink, bathtub or toilet bowl. In this simple way you can also clean the tiles.

Importantly, unlike many other concentrated preparations, those based on hydrochloric acid do not damage the ceramic surface. They also do not increase the degree of porosity, which could contribute to faster settling of mold spores.

When using HCl-based preparations, always wear protective gloves and avoid staying in a closed room for long periods of time. After finishing work, ventilate the apartment well to remove airborne fumes.

Where to buy hydrochloric acid ?

Hydrochloric acid for industrial or food applications is best purchased from a proven supplier. In the offer you will find high-quality technical hydrochloric acid at a concentration of 31, 33 or 37%.

You can be sure that we will deliver the HCl acid to your company, taking into account its chemical properties, so that during transport there is no desorbion and no change in the concentration of the substance.

By choosing the offer, you get a guarantee of the highest quality of service, technical and logistic support.