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Grout for cobblestones Ekofuga dry - an ideal proposition for an individual customer

article_body/publish_date 2017-01-26

What to fill the cracks in the pavement? Many people who do it themselves use aggregate, quartz sand or cement mortar. Unfortunately, none of these methods will provide either adequate stability or the expected aesthetic effect. Yes, the aggregate will actually penetrate the structure of the connections, but a large part of the material will be quickly washed away by the rain, and the rest of the household will bring ... home on soles!

Stability? Suffice it to say that the minimum amount of filling causes plants to appear in the joints. On the other hand, when filling the joints with cement mortar, we risk soiling the surface of the pavement - such residues are very difficult to clean afterwards. The resulting grout forms a rigid plate with the cobblestones, which is prone to cracking and, unlike Eco grout, completely impermeable to water.

Do you want to have an aesthetic pavement in front of your house? Forget about amateur solutions and choose Eco grout! It is an easy-to-use product that will provide you with effective filling of the gaps between the paving stones - just sprinkle it at the joints, sweep the excess with a brush. The fully soil-friendly mortar consists of grains of quartz sand combined with resin - this guarantees the durability of the filling (it will not be washed out by water).

The ecological grout protects the pavement against the development of moss or weeds. Importantly, you can use the mortar yourself, without the need to use specialized equipment or hire a construction team. It is ready to spill immediately after opening the package!

A calculator is available on the product page to calculate how much grout you need.

Attention! An application on a paving stone that has been used for some time requires prior removal of existing joints to a depth of at least 30 mm.

Dry-use eco-fugue can be found at distripark.com


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.