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How to choose the right cobblestone grout? A handful of useful tips

article_body/publish_date 2021-08-17

Laying paving stones or terrace tiles does not seem difficult at first glance. However, the durability of the surface depends on the correct selection of the joint. Even the most expensive cube will quickly fall apart if you connect it wrong.

You can do most of the paving work yourself. However, you should know where the polymer grout for paving stones will work and what properties distinguish the resin joint for stone paving stones . We dispel your doubts!

What types of cobblestone grout can you find in a DIY store?

A well-chosen filling will make you enjoy a beautiful terrace or driveway for many years. Grout strengthens the substrate and improves its flexibility. It also partially prevents the appearance of lichens and mosses, which willingly grow between loose stones, bursting the meticulously laid surface.

Specialists usually use one of several solutions:

  • cement based grout,
  • epoxy grout (resin),
  • synthetic-mineral grout,
  • polymer sand.

Do you have to use such welds? Theoretically, no, but filling the gaps with sand or fine aggregate is a bad idea. The joint will easily and quickly erode due to rain and wear of the paths, and the individual elements of the paving stone will begin to move and warp. As a result, your work will be wasted.

The deciding factor in the choice should be the expected traffic volume in a given place.

Epoxy grout to the ankle will be appropriate in the case of less frequented paths. In turn, spaces such as parking lots and pedestrian routes, where the mechanical load on a twenty-four-hour scale can be enormous, require other solutions (specialists recommend, among others, the popular, synthetic KB joint ).

See what distinguishes each type of filling and where it will be used.

Cement-based paving joints

Cement filling is the most popular and the cheapest of the available solutions. It is impervious to water, so it works well as a layer filling slabs under the support of a farm building or surfaces based on a concrete slab - such as an earth terrace.

Cement joints are perfect for interiors. Unfortunately, they do not tolerate extreme temperatures and high humidity, so they are not the best solution for grouting outside.

The filling may rot over time, and the resulting cavities look unsightly and cause the surface cohesion to decrease, and you will have to redo the work.

Where will the epoxy grout for the ankle work?

The main advantage of the epoxy joint (polymer or polyurethane) is its high durability. It lasts much longer than a typical cement grout, degrades more slowly and crumbles less.

Polymer ankle grout is sold in the form of a ready-made paste. Thanks to this, you can apply the filling quickly and easily. However, you must remember that it is not suitable for application on surfaces created "wet", because the process of binding the material will be long and ineffective.

When looking for opinions on resin grout for paving stones , you may come across information about the need to use special tools to apply it. Don't worry - special trowels and hard sponges are cheap and you'll quickly learn how to use them. The effect will certainly be enviable.

Epoxy grout is perfect for places exposed to long-term contact with water - in the vicinity of home swimming pools, on the terrace, porch and in the garden. Thanks to the use of hydrophobic additives, the resin does not absorb water and does not discolor as a result of accidental contact with paint, tar or oil.

Advantages of synthetic paving grout

While the resin joint for stone cubes will work in places with moderate traffic, synthetic grout is a good choice for use where there is a high mechanical load.

The synthetic filling is two-component. They are distinguished by resistance to mechanical damage, extreme temperatures and low abrasion. Effectively prevents plants from growing between the plates.

What is polymer sand?

In practice, you can also come across a special polymer sand for grouting. This material is enriched with additives that improve the cohesion, durability and adhesion of the joint to the paving elements. You can easily put this material on. You also don't have to worry about it being washed away by the rain.

A good example is Polbruk polymer sand enriched with NextGel technology. The material perfectly stabilizes both horizontal and sloping surfaces. It also adapts to the shape of the surface.

Price of cobblestone grout - how much and for what?

Now that you know what each type of filling is for, it's time to find out how much each of these solutions costs.

Cement joints are the cheapest. Their price ranges from PLN 15 to PLN 30 per kilogram of mortar. Polymer sand is sold in bags. The price of 25 kg of mortar is about PLN 120-140.

Grouting granite cubes with resin is a bit more expensive. In this case, you have to take into account the cost of PLN 110-130 for a three-kilogram bucket of a product from a reputable company (e.g. KB resin joint ). Synthetic and mineral fillings are also sold at a similar price.

Before you choose a solution, you should estimate how much material you will need to complete the task. You will almost certainly use up some rework material, so buy 10-15% more weld than you intended. However, try not to buy too large packages. Although they are cost-effective, the excess will most likely dry up and you will have to throw it away.

Smart shopping is economical shopping, so it's worth getting acquainted with the wholesaler's offer. There you will find attractive prices and favorable discounts.

You can also outsource the grouting of paving stones to an external company. However, nothing gives as much satisfaction as doing the homework yourself. Epoxy grout for ankles or synthetic grout for cobblestones ? You decide. Show the household that you "know your job".