How to clean a baby bottle?

article_body/publish_date 2017-06-09

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding as the best way to feed newborns and infants up to 6 months of age. However, if, for any reason, we use bottles and teats to feed the baby - we need to know how to clean them.

Here are the most important rules for cleaning bottles and teats:

  • we are ruthless for leftovers - milk that does not fit into the baby's tummy is simply thrown away (milk leftovers are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria);
  • rinse the bottle and nipple under running, warm water;
  • using a bottle cleaning brush (chosen to the size of the bottle and teat!) and a high-quality washing-up liquid (e.g. FLO washing-up liquid dedicated to washing pacifiers and bottles for children) thoroughly wash the bottle and the teat, paying attention to all nooks and crannies of accessories;
  • we rinse the bottle and nipple again;
  • time for sterilization - the bottle and the pacifier can simply be boiled (in separate vessels, accessories should stay in boiling water for at least 15 minutes) or put in a sterilizer (a special device for sterilizing accessories for feeding infants); We can resign from the sterilization of bottles and teats in the second half of a child's life.


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