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How to disinfect a Fish Farm, or prevention is better than cure.

article_body/publish_date 2018-03-29

We all know that prevention is better than cure. This maxim applies not only to people and animals, but also to fish. Each fishing farm is exposed to high losses as a result of mass fish kills. Every disease process, even not life-threatening, is undesirable. Infected fish develop worse, gain weight slower, and their lowered general condition as a result of infection exposes them to secondary infections that can lead to death. That is why it is so important to take care of cleanliness and hygiene during daily care work on the Fishery Farm.

The basic method of preventing the introduction of the pathogen to the farm and its possible transfer between breeding units is the routine disinfection of equipment and protective clothing of employees.

The basic and elementary disinfection procedure should be the routine disinfection of work shoes during the movement of employees between breeding units. Each entry and exit from a given breeding unit should be connected with the need to go through a bathtub with an active disinfectant. The key here, however, is not only to get employees into the habit of going through the disinfecting tub routinely, but above all, constant supervision over the contents of the disinfecting tubs placed on the farm. There is nothing worse than replacing disinfection tubs with incubators accumulating all pathogens available on the farm. This situation is the result of neglecting refreshing and cyclical replacement of active agents in the tubs. Moreover, the reduced concentration of the active agent may cause the mutant strain of the pathogen to develop resistance to a given disinfectant and future treatments will cease to be effective.

The next item in the infection prevention primer on the fish farm is equipment disinfection. Such disinfection should be carried out depending on the dimensions of the disinfected items of equipment by washing them with solutions containing an active disinfectant or completely immersing them in a disinfectant solution.

How to make a broad-spectrum disinfectant solution for a fish farm?

A disinfectant solution is nothing more than a mixture of an active disinfectant with tap water, less often with demineralized or deionized water. In practice, several basic disinfectants are used on fish farms. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages as well as its specificity of use, and so:

How to use copper sulphate in disinfection of fish farms?

Copper sulphate is a salt of copper and sulfuric acid available on the market in the form of blue crystalline pentahydrate - the hydrated form of a highly hygroscopic compound, which is pure copper sulphate. A basic copper sulphate disinfectant solution can be used to disinfect footwear and waterproof workwear as well as walls and equipment. It has a strong fungicidal, viral and bactericidal effect. We prepare such a solution by adding 1 kg of blue copper sulphate crystals to 99 l of water - that is, we obtain a 1% aqueous solution of copper sulphate. In this case, we can use publicly available tap water. The solution prepared in this way can be used both for washing surfaces and disinfecting baths of equipment. A single immersion of the equipment for a few seconds should sterilize it satisfactorily.

Copper sulphate can be used in therapeutic fish baths and/or as an algicide. 3g/m3 of water is enough to combat algae. Used for the prevention and control of ectoparasites in concentrations from 0.15 to 0.20 mg / l .

Unfortunately, copper is a toxic metal and has a bad effect on aquatic organisms. It is particularly toxic to salmonids and invertebrates. Copper sulphate is not biodegradable and is not removed naturally from the tank. Therefore, its one-time introduction, especially to septic tanks, causes its accumulation in the tank and causes long-term effects .

How to use lime hypochlorite (chlorinated lime) in disinfection of fish farms?

Calcium hypochlorite, commonly known as chlorinated lime, is an inorganic calcium salt of hypochlorous acid. Its strong oxidizing properties are commonly used for disinfection. The substance is available on the market in the form of a free-flowing white powder. The product should not contain lumps and traces of moisture, which may indicate poor storage conditions and reduce the disinfecting properties of the product.

A 5% aqueous solution can be used as a universal disinfectant for disinfecting shoes, waterproof workwear, equipment and surfaces such as trailers, floors, walls, etc. The agent works by both immersion and washing the surface. It is effective against fungi, bacteria and viruses.

The recommendations of the State Sanitary Inspection allow a 10% solution of calcium hypochlorite as a means of emergency disinfection of sludge, carrion and even feces.

The agent is highly toxic and released into the aquatic environment releases chlorine gas. Its devastating impact on the aquatic environment cannot be overlooked. Used judiciously, under control and intervention, it is completely safe, however, its long-term use is not recommended.

How to use sodium percarbonate for disinfection in a fish farm?

Sodium percarbonate is the inorganic sodium salt of carbonic acid. Thanks to its strong oxidizing properties, it is commonly used as a disinfectant. In contact with water, it spontaneously releases large amounts of free oxygen. Often colloquially referred to as "active oxygen". Sodium carbonate is also a by-product of decomposition. This compound stabilizes the pH of the water in the tank.

Percarbonate is gaining more and more popularity as a universal disinfectant. Its 1-2% water solutions can be used for spraying, fogging and washing surfaces and entire rooms. Effectively removes pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. Recommended for sterilization of medical devices and technological lines for food production .

Completely safe for the staff, animals and fish as well as the natural environment. Introduced by inadvertent transfer to a pond or breeding pool, it quickly decomposes into the above-mentioned sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide, i.e. active oxygen and carbonate, which stabilizes the water pH.

For disinfection of footwear, waterproof workwear, equipment and surfaces such as floors and walls, a 1% solution is sufficient. Obtained in the process of dissolving 1 kg of the substance in 99 liters of tap water.

Sodium percarbonate is used in medicinal baths for farmed fish, among others, to combat Kostya (Ichthyobodo necator), ballworm (Ichthyophthirius multifilis), etc. parasitic invasions.

In sum. Numerous disinfectants used have an impact on the natural environment and the composition and condition of water on the farm. The decision to use a specific agent should be preceded by a thorough analysis of the impact of the deliberate transfer of the agent on the water level in ponds and breeding pools. It is also good to discuss the agent used with the veterinarian in whose care the farm is located. Routine disinfection of equipment and workwear is a must for the welfare of any fish farm.

Sodium percarbonate , chlorinated lime and copper sulphate available at distripark.com .
Search for other substances useful for fish farms in the Agriculture / Freshwater fish farming category.


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.