How to impregnate pebbles and decorative stones?

article_body/publish_date 2019-05-15

Pebbles and decorative stone in the garden.

More and more often, very different types of stones of various sizes and colors are used to arrange gardens, and pebbles and grits are most often used. In addition to the aesthetic value, the stone plays a very useful role, maintaining moisture in the soil and a stable temperature, thus protecting the roots of plants. The popularity of stone used in the garden increases with its availability.

Stone with different fractions of aggregate, shapes, colors in the form of pebbles and grits can be used for:
- creating bands around the house, where surrounds are most often used, which perfectly eliminate water reflections during heavy rain, thus protecting the façade;
- discount fillings;
- creating garden paths;
- filling gabions;

The number of applications is almost unlimited, it depends only on your imagination and, of course, your wallet.  

How are pebbles formed?

Natural pebbles are fragments of rocks, which under the influence of erosion are fragmented, and then due to friction, their edges are rounded. This process often takes place in fast-flowing streams and takes thousands of years. Natural pebbles are fragments of rock that are fragmented by erosion and then rounded by friction. This process often occurs in fast-flowing streams and takes thousands of years.

Due to the growing demand, the second way of producing pebbles is their production on an industrial scale in special mills. This method has the advantage that the manufacturer decides about the size of the shells, the color and the rocks from which they are formed, and at the same time it is a very fast method.

What to do to keep the stone beautiful for a long time and please our eyes?

The main problem is impurities, which get into the structure of the stone together with water and are practically impossible to remove.

More and more often, white pebbles, made of marble, are used. Due to their structure, they are particularly vulnerable to dirt and algae growth. Other rock species from which shells are formed are also exposed to these negative processes. This applies to every stone pot. The way to avoid such negative phenomena is protection by impregnation.

What is impregnation and what does stone protection give us?

Impregnation is nothing more than protecting absorbent surfaces against the penetration of water, and with it impurities, but not only. Due to the fact that the surface is dry, mosses and algae have a difficult time growing. What are the advantages of stone impregnation? Impregnation creates a hydrophobic coating, resistant to precipitation and difficult weather conditions, and also does not change the color of the stone. The impregnation blocks the development of microorganisms, mosses, lichens and algae, protects against deposits and facilitates cleaning. Impregnation gives the effect of water pearling, which gives the surface strong self-cleaning properties.

Remember that for each type of stone we should use different, preferably dedicated preparations. We recommend getting acquainted with the TopMeister Stein product line dedicated to the impregnation of various surfaces.

How to impregnate pebbles?

Before impregnation and laying, the stone should be thoroughly washed with water, preferably under pressure. This is a very important procedure, because not removed dust, meal and other impurities limit the penetration of the preparation into the structure of the stone. Dry the stone thoroughly after washing.

The next step is to apply the preparation to the surface of the stone. We can do the impregnation itself in two ways:

The first way to impregnate garden stone is spraying. This solution is quick, but only impregnates the top of the stone. This method is used only in dry places, lined with a breathable substrate. This can be done with any airless device, pressurized gun or garden sprayer. Apply 2-3 layers. The first impregnation with two layers, additionally after a week one more layer.

The second technique is the water bath. This method is much more effective and gives a guarantee for many years, and the stone is impregnated in its entirety. The bath is made using two containers, a larger and a smaller one. Pour the impregnation agent into the larger container, while the stone should be poured into the smaller one with perforated walls. After inserting the smaller container into the larger one, lift it to drain and remove the dry, impregnated stone. The procedure is repeated until the entire batch is impregnated. It is recommended to repeat the treatment 2-3 times after each drying.

Dry and impregnated garden stone can be laid on a previously prepared substrate. We suggest not placing the stone directly on the ground, but on agrotextile or perforated foil. A stone protected in this way will allow us to enjoy its beauty for many years.

Top Meister Stein and TopMeister Stein Extra products for pebbles and stone are available at .


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.