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How to protect concrete and stone paving stones and elements of small architecture

article_body/publish_date 2018-05-09

In order to maintain the natural and aesthetic appearance of paving stones or natural stone, they should be regularly taken care of. Find out what care treatments should be used so that they retain their functional properties and aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Natural beauty treatments.

Concrete and stone are porous materials that easily absorb water along with impurities. Thus, like any product, it is affected by external factors during use. Before laying the surface, it is worth knowing how important it is to make the correct foundation and what care treatments can be used to keep the surface at a good level. By applying a few basic rules, we can influence the appearance of our surroundings and enjoy the utility and aesthetic values ​​for a long time.


The surface should be taken care of systematically from the first days of its use. Regularly supplement the joints with the sand used for their construction, and it is best to replace it with a dedicated grout, e.g. EkoFuga. This treatment protects against washing out sand and overgrowing with grasses or mosses. The application of Ekofuga is very simple and practically does not differ in the use of sand, while its use significantly increases the aesthetic and practical values ​​of paved surfaces.

Mosses, lichens and grasses overgrowing the joints between the paving stones are most often created as a result of loss by applying soil from the wheels of cars, lawn mowers or shoes. Plant seeds burrow into them and they spread easily. The use of Ekofuga effectively protects against this phenomenon, which does not mean that it is necessary to periodically carry out a care treatment in the form of washing.

Surface impregnation.

Surface impregnation is a procedure that is often overlooked, but its absence has a very large impact on the aesthetics and operational values. Impregnation of the surface protects against the aging of concrete and stone and the absorption of dirt. There are many impregnants on the market that protect the surface from absorbing dirt. We recommend TopMeister Beton and TopMeistaer Beton Extra for concrete cubes and elements, and TopMeister Stein and TopMeister Stein Extra for stone surfaces. After their application, you can obtain matte, glossy, color intensifying or neutral surfaces.

Depending on the type of impregnation and the manufacturer's recommendations, they can be applied in various ways, e.g. by time-consuming painting with a brush or roller or spray impregnation. This process, in accordance with the recommendations of the impregnation manufacturers, should be repeated.

Lime efflorescence.

It happens that lime efflorescence appears on the surface (white deposits of varying intensity, which are formed during the natural maturation of concrete), which disappear spontaneously over time. This process can take from several months to several years.

With high intensity of efflorescence, we recommend using TopMeister Beton or TopMeister Beton Extra to remove them. These agents should always be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and should be tested in an inconspicuous place, and their repeated use should result in the disappearance of lime efflorescence. However, be aware that if the foundation tends to retain water, capillary action may cause re-formation. An effective way is to use a preparation that, by increasing the surface tension in the capillaries, will protect against the formation of lime efflorescence on the surface.

High-quality paving sealants and grout available at distripark.com .


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.