maga inn - where a hotel cannot.

article_body/publish_date 2020-01-08

Provide customers with comfortable accommodation in conditions similar to the economic hotel standard in places where a hotel cannot be built. This is the assumption behind the maga inn project run by the company - container facilities which, after being subjected to the upcycling process, are to fill a niche on the hotel services market.

Sea containers, if they are not used as a transport tool, have so far been associated at most with construction facilities arranged in them. Meanwhile, as part of the maga inn project, three small but comfortable "hotel" rooms with their own, nicely decorated bathroom have been separated in a large sea container. The facilities have been equipped not only with a comfortable bed, table, chairs, TV and fridge, but also with individually controlled air conditioning and underfloor heating.

Each residential module (room with a bathroom) is entered by the guest from the outside by entering the code received by SMS and e-mail after paying for the reservation. The lack of a reception desk and the ability to arrange all formalities related to the reception of guests is an important element of the maga inn's operation. Everything is done through a modern online service system linked to the website , Facebook and popular tourist portals such as:, Airbnb, Noclegowo.

The business model of maga inn is based on delivering a ready-made hotel facility to the destination. This formula allows you to shorten the investment process to a minimum. The construction of the facility comes down to its foundation and connection of utilities. assumes that within 1.5 months from the moment of signing the cooperation agreement with the owner of the land on which the maga inn facility is to be erected, the first guests will be able to receive them.

As a product, maga inn is addressed primarily to land owners who run a business involving servicing a large number of customers on the go, i.e. petrol stations, gastronomy and hotels along national roads.

For gas stations and gastronomy , maga inn is to become not only a supplement to their offer, but also, on the basis of synergy, it should have a positive impact on increasing revenues from the already conducted operations. On the other hand, hotels can not only increase their accommodation base overnight, but also diversify their offer in terms of prices by accepting guests for whom a hotel stay could be too much expense.

The ever-increasing intensity of car transport and the changing regulations regarding overnight stays for drivers outside of the cab open up a huge market for the magician , which the existing hotel infrastructure is unable to satisfy. Observing the trend of expanding petrol stations, which are based less and less on fuel sales and more and more resemble supermarkets, is optimistic about the prospect of cooperation with this industry.

Another direction of maga inn product development is cooperation with sports and recreation facilities such as amusement parks, marinas, centers organizing integration meetings where participants take part in field games. Such places often suffer from a small accommodation base and the lack of opportunities to build it. maga inn as a complete, ready-to-receive product allows you to solve this problem practically overnight.

One of the first places where the maga inn facilities were erected was Ławica Palace near Kłodzko, where the Ski-Raft Company organizes pontoon trips along the Bardzkie Gorge. The president of the company talks about the advantages of cooperation within the maga inn :

In our recreation and leisure centers in Ławica, we offer our guests several apartments in a newly renovated palace. On seasonal weekends, we host up to 1,500 people who participate in pontoon trips along the meanders of the Nysa Kłodzka, as well as in other attractions organized by us. Very often, groups of 18-20 people come to us for various types of integration trips. We were not able to increase our accommodation base by just these 18-20 beds overnight, which is why the maga inn hotel formula is a great solution for us. la maga inn gas station and gastronomy is to become not only a supplement to their offer, but also, on the basis of synergy, it should have a positive impact on increasing revenues from already conducted operations. On the other hand, hotels can not only increase their accommodation base overnight, but also diversify their offer in terms of prices by accepting guests for whom a hotel stay could be too much expense. also notes interest in maga inns from people with small plots of land in attractive tourist locations. Owners of such real estate are encouraged to cooperate as part of the maga inn, as they can quickly start earning money in their area. The benefits offered by maga inn are particularly appealing to them:

• the possibility of earning income from hotel activities;
• saving of capital expenditures;
• short time needed to start a business;
• business risk reduction.

To sum up, the maga inn project is a great idea for success. There is a market, there are needs, there is a complete product, time for implementation.  



*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.