Nanotechnologies in construction

article_body/publish_date 2018-03-05

Nanotechnology is a science that deals with the creation of specific structures at the nanometric level, i.e. the level of atoms and molecules.

Its history dates back to the 1950s. The following years and decades are a period of great and dynamic development of nanotechnology. Nanoparticles are materials whose sizes are measured in nanometers, i.e. billionths of a metre. The conventional nano scale is the limit of 100 nanometers. For comparison, the diameter of a human hair is 1000 times larger than that of a single nanoparticle. Their shape and size can be very different, they can occur as balls, rods, cubes.

Currently, nanotechnology is a very fashionable and dynamically developing branch of science. As a result, more and more materials are produced. Thanks to this, we can obtain various products with the desired properties. Materials with nanometric sizes are used in many areas of life: in medicine, electronics, textile, food, agriculture, automotive, construction and many others.

In construction, nanotechnologies are used to hydrophobize all concrete surfaces, prefabricated elements, paving stones, granite cubes, plasters, natural stones, clinker, ceramic roofs and glass.

Nanopreparations are a water dispersion containing nanostructures of silicon compounds. They do not change the color and structural and strength properties of the surfaces and materials on which they have been applied. The applied layer of nanopreparation does not form a film on the surface, but penetrates the material, thanks to which it additionally protects against mechanical damage (scratches and abrasion). The nano coating is resistant to UV rays, salts, acid rain and strong detergents. It provides effective protection for many years, and the protected surface does not require maintenance.

The material on which the appropriate nanopreparation has been applied is, after the time needed for complete drying, fully protected against water and moisture, while maintaining the vapor permeability of the surface. After being exposed to water, on the surface protected with the nanopreparation, non-spillable drops (of water or oil) are clearly visible. The preparation protects the surface against moisture, delaying erosion, cracking, crumbling and protects against freezing.

Nano-products effectively seal all, even microscopic, pores, preventing the penetration and excessive penetration of water. Water and other staining substances are "repelled", run off the surface and evaporate. Thanks to this, surfaces protected with an appropriate nanopreparation are not exposed to the destructive effects of water and typical white spots and tarnish appearing under its influence. The preparations naturally create a barrier to the development of mold, fungi and microorganisms, which results from the lack of an aquatic environment. , as an innovative company, introduces the new TopMeister brand to its offer - products based on nanotechnology, for a wide range of applications. Customers will have a choice of high-quality preparations:

  • TopMeister Glas (glass),
  • TopMeister Holz (wood),
  • TopMeister Facade (facades),
  • TopMeister Stein (natural stone),
  • TopMeister Beton (precast concrete).

We are convinced that such a wide range of products will meet the needs and expectations of the most demanding customers.

High-quality nanotechnology products available at .


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.