Sneakers - how to protect them well?

article_body/publish_date 2019-09-20

In the West, since the 60s and 70s, sneakers , i.e. sports shoes, have become a part of pop culture and street culture for good. This was largely due to athletes and music stars. Undoubtedly, the breakthrough moment was the appearance in 1985 of the first model signed with the name of one of the best basketball players in history, considered by many to be the GOAT of this sport - Michael Jordan. Since then, shoes and the materials from which they are made have evolved, in addition to such materials as classic leather or suede, for example, Flyknit , Primeknit and Durabuck have appeared.


How to keep them looking like new for a long time .

The effects of impregnation, i.e. not only our shoes must be effective .

Which sealer to choose .

How TopMeister Sport waterproofing works in practice - Video .

How to make them look like new for a long time?

For 4-5 years we have been observing a large increase in interest in this type of footwear in Poland. In addition to choosing and buying our dream pair, many people ask themselves - how to make them look like new for a long time? Both sneakers and any other shoes are exposed to various factors, especially weather conditions, and there is probably nothing worse than a heavily soiled fresh pair. The solution to this problem can be proper impregnation. Due to the multitude of currently used materials, it is best to focus on hydrophobic preparations based on nanotechnology (so-called nanoprotectors ) . It is best to pay attention to these proven and tested preparations to be sure that the product we buy will not leave any traces on the material. which we want to protect.

The effects of impregnation, i.e. not only our shoes must be effective.

A good, proven preparation will protect your shoes not only against water, but also against all kinds of other dirt, even as extreme as hot sauce. As a result, it can look really spectacular, because liquid substances will simply flow without leaving a trace, and loose substances will only need to be blown through, thanks to which we will avoid time-consuming cleaning and drying of shoes. In addition, a good preparation will be invisible and will not change the structure of the material. This is especially important because no one wants leather to crack or a woven fabric like Flyknit or Primeknit to become inflexible.

Which impregnation to choose?

Thanks to the growing popularity, the prices of nanoprotectors are falling and becoming more and more affordable. Considering how much a pair of sneakers can currently cost, it is not worth saving on such a preparation. With the growing popularity, there are also more and more preparations, so as mentioned earlier, remember to choose the proven ones to avoid unwanted effects. Check the reviews, watch the video and read the labels carefully to apply the product correctly. It is worth checking how the impregnation for protecting footwear - TopMeister Sport works. The product label shows in a simple way how to impregnate selected shoes, and the following video shows the effect.

How TopMeister Sport waterproofing works in practice - Video

TopMeister Sport impregnation for your dream kicks to buy at

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*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.