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  • / Spray polyurethane foam (PUR) is the first step in thermal modernization of the attic and roof.

Spray polyurethane foam (PUR) is the first step in thermal modernization of the attic and roof.

article_body/publish_date 2018-03-27

Thermal and anti-moisture insulation of the attic and roof is an extremely important issue when a decision is made to develop its non-usable space. It is expected that the interior of the attic will be dry, cozy and warm, while the maintenance bills, despite the passage of years, as low as possible. Also, architects and designers of such spaces attach great importance to the selection of the most effective insulation material. With properly insulated building facades and walls, an incorrectly insulated attic or roof can be responsible for later, often quite significant heat losses. In addition, it should be remembered that any mistakes made when insulating the attics do not reveal themselves immediately, but only after a few years after the completion of the work. However, their detection and then repair is a relatively difficult, time-consuming and quite expensive process. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right materials and methods for thermal, anti-moisture, anti-wind and, more and more often, also acoustic insulation of attics, especially those that for most of their existence constituted unusable space.

When choosing insulation materials, many investors and contractors consider thermal insulation parameters (e.g. low thermal conductivity coefficient, λ), good adhesion and properly selected mechanical strength or thickness as crucial. These parameters of the selected insulation material and the proper performance of the entire insulation are very important when insulating not only the attic, but practically all surfaces that contribute to increasing possible heat loss.

One of the solutions available on the market for effective and quick insulation of attics is polyurethane spray foam (PUR foam) - both rigid foam with a closed-cell structure and semi-rigid foam with an open-cell structure. Compared to alternative materials for attic insulation, polyurethane foam has one of the lowest thermal conductivity coefficients, λ ≥ 0.021 W/(m K). Equally distinctive for spray polyurethane foam are its strength parameters. For example, the compressive strength at 10% relative deformation for wet-cell foam is at least 270 kPa, while for open-cell foam it is at least 6 kPa. An important parameter is also the water vapor diffusion resistance coefficient, which in the case of building materials indicates their vapor permeability in relation to air. Spray polyurethane foams, especially those with an open-cell structure, have a very favorable value of the diffusion resistance coefficient (μ 3), while the sound absorption index αW = 0.50.

Despite these numerous advantages, it is important that the total cost of such insulation is still quite comparable to other technologies, and sometimes even lower, especially when attic insulation requires less material. In addition, due to its comparatively low density (open cell ≥ 7 kg/m3 and closed cell ≥ 36 kg/m3) and thus comparatively low weight, insulation based on polyurethane spray foam does not burden the building structure. In addition, polyurethane foam is characterized by reduced water absorption, thanks to which, despite the passage of years and changing weather conditions, it retains its thermal insulation and sound absorption properties. Other advantages of PUR foam also include: efficiency and excellent adhesion to various building materials, e.g. for concrete, sheet metal and wood. In addition, the spray technology guarantees seamless insulation, which effectively eliminates the appearance of possible thermal bridges responsible for numerous heat losses. All these advantages are enhanced by the fact that polyurethane foam has a high chemical and biological resistance. Spray polyurethane foam systems are innovative attic insulation, especially those with very large and irregular surfaces. In addition to the outstanding material, which is polyurethane foam, there is an advanced application technology. It causes that during spraying, the product increases its surface several times and only within a few seconds. In this way, the surface is insulated, while creating a uniform, jointless and energy-saving coating. Polyurethane spray insulation thoroughly fills virtually every gap, joint and free space.


Construction : insulation and reinforcement of new and existing buildings (renovation and thermal insulation)
Industry : insulation of industrial buildings such as: warehouses, production halls, logistic centers; tanks and pipelines
Agriculture : insulation of outbuildings and buildings intended for animal breeding and fruit and vegetable storage
Public buildings , e.g. hotels, hospitals, schools, sports halls, offices, etc..

Application benefits

  • saving time and money
  • ease and speed of application
  • excellent insulating properties
  • extraordinary lightness and resistance

Polyurethane foam spray systems, e.g. products offered by PCC PRODEX, i.e. the open-cell system Ekoprodur S0310 and Ekoprodur S0310/E, and the closed-cell system Ekoprodur S0329 and sim Ekoprodur S0329W. These products are characterized by very high efficiency, speed and ease of implementation as well as versatility in the application technique, which is based on the method of direct application of the product to insulated surfaces. Specialized high-pressure aggregates are used to make spray insulation, ensuring thorough mixing of ingredients, and thus precise and effective insulation.

The possibility of direct, quick and relatively easy spraying with PUR foam in the process of developing the unused attic of the building disproportionately shortens the working time and ensures seamless thermal, acoustic, wind and waterproofing protection of the received usable space for years.

High-quality foams and traditional insulation available at distripark.com .


*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.