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Wall crack repair systems - an easy solution to a difficult problem

article_body/publish_date 2017-01-26

Tired of fighting a cracking wall? Breaks in the wall structure are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a significant weakening of the building structure. You can easily remove them now with Festmur cracked wall repair kits. The set includes 5 stainless steel festpiro spirals (diameters: 6, 8, 10 mm, available in sections from 1 to 10 m), festmortel mortar (up to 3L in the set), mortar gun (330 ml) with a tip for mixing, as well as a grouting spatula.

How it's working? At the beginning, it is necessary to carefully mill the groove in which the spiral will be located. After cleaning and vacuuming the furrow, you can start preparing the mortar and embedding the spiral in the wall. Selection of the spiral with the appropriate diameter depends on the height of the furrow - for holes with a height of at least 10 mm, 6 mm spirals are recommended, 12 mm - 8 mm, and for 14 mm - 10 mm. Attention! For the repair to be effective, the depth of the furrow must be properly selected. For one spiral it is 35 mm, for two spirals in one groove - 45 mm, for three spirals in one groove - 65 mm (values ​​calculated from the face of the brick, not from the plaster!).

Why is it worth choosing repair kits from Festmur? Above all, it is an extremely universal solution - it can be used in walls made of brick, stone, concrete, and even large slabs. The system also allows you to combine different materials, and the spirals themselves are not visible on the wall surface. And one more thing - such a repair is extremely effective, because the tensile strength of the spirals is as much as 10.7 KN! (in the case of 10 mm spirals on a cross-sectional area of ​​13 mm).

You can buy a cracked wall repair kit (3 kg) from Festmur at distripark.com



Posted by Zenon W. (unverified) on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 22:17

Can this Festmur kit be used indoors? I have a cracking load-bearing wall in my apartment. I live in a pre-war tenement house from the 1930s, owned and administered by a municipal municipal company, and I have reported the problem many times, unfortunately to no avail. I prefer to carry out such a repair-protection myself before an accident occurs, and my actions outside the building may be treated as arbitrary, especially since the building is under the protection of a conservator. I am asking for a quick answer.

Posted by Jarosław Admin on Tue, 13/12/2016 - 15:42

Hello sir, thank you for your interest in our offer. The Festmur system can be used from the inside. Make horizontal furrows every 30 cm with a depth of 3 cm to the right and left of the crack. Then dust the furrows and moisten them with plenty of water. The next step is to mix the components of the Festmortel C mortar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then, using a gun, fill the furrow with mortar and stick the bars in such a way that they are "sunk" in their entirety. If in doubt, please call us at no. 667650770.

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*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.