What can't be washed in the dishwasher?

article_body/publish_date 2017-03-22

The dishwasher is a device that has freed us from having to spend time at the sink and washing dishes by hand. The use of the dishwasher requires compliance with certain rules, including: thorough removal of food residues from dishes (this way we will avoid clogging of filters, drain pipes and nozzles), use of appropriate detergents and proper arrangement of individual dishes inside the dishwasher. Thanks to these treatments, we will optimize the washing results. Please also note that not all dishes are dishwasher safe. What should not be put in it?

Do not wash dishes and kitchen accessories made of thermoactive materials in the dishwasher, i.e. those that can deform, destroy or crack under the influence of high temperatures. Therefore, wooden dishes and dishes with wooden elements (e.g. pots with handles made of wood) should not be placed in the dishwasher. Before we pack cups, plates or plastic boxes into the dishwasher - make sure that the manufacturer has not included information on them that they are intended for hand washing only. It is also better not to wash hand-decorated and glued dishes in the dishwasher. Crystal, delicate porcelain and some types of glass can be washed in the dishwasher only if they have the manufacturer's recommendation for mechanical washing. However, always use delicate programs in their case (e.g. with reduced washing temperature), we can also use additional rinse aids. Silver can be washed in the dishwasher, provided that it does not come into contact with other things (and at the same time, dishes made of oxidized steel are not washed!), and acidic food residues have been thoroughly removed from the dishes.

Everything that needs to be washed by hand - put it in the sink and clean it with a high-quality detergent, e.g. one of the Flo products. Flo Aloe Vera dishwashing liquid will do a great job - delicate for our hands, ruthless for dirt, and thanks to the bottle equipped with a functional pump, it is extremely convenient to use.

High-quality dishwashing liquids and consumables for dishwashers available at distripark.com


Posted by Figa86 (not verified) on Sun, 05/02/2017 - 22:57

True. I put knives with wooden handles in the dishwasher and well ... discolored, faded. Regards! Fig

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*This article is for informational purposes only. The presented description, in particular the use of the products, is exemplary and constitutes non-binding information about the characteristics and possibilities of their use/application. In any case, before using the product, consult a specialist whether the specific use is safe and justified. We do not bear any responsibility for the use of the proposed solutions, even in very similar situations.