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What impregnation for paving stones to choose and what is the impregnation treatment for?

article_body/publish_date 2021-06-25

What impregnation for paving stones to choose and what is the impregnation treatment for?

You will find cobblestones both on company driveways and private properties. It is a recognized material for hardening surfaces. It is distinguished by high resistance to both static and dynamic pressure, as well as resistance to high and low temperatures.

The great advantage of paving stones is the ease of their mechanical processing, which allows to obtain an aesthetic and detailed final effect. To preserve its values, you should use appropriate protective measures.

We suggest how you can choose the best impregnation for paving stones , as well as why to carry out this treatment.

Why use a good impregnator for paving stones?

Construction masters point out that the impregnation you use for the paving stones is not only aesthetically important. What are specialized preparations used for?

Well-chosen chemistry increases the hydrophobicity of concrete, which protects the blocks from soaking. This is an effective protection not only against rain, but also against greases, oils and paints, which without impregnation would create stains that are impossible to remove.

In opinions about impregnations for paving stones, you often read about resistance to changing environmental conditions. Research conducted by the Building Research Institute has shown that a properly applied impregnation reduces the number of cracks formed - among others as a result of water freezing in winter - by up to several dozen percent.

Strengthening the structure of the concrete block with impregnation will prevent the salt and other cleaning agents used by cleaning companies from damaging the driveway leading to your property.

Remember that concrete is a mixture of at least several ingredients, so the shades of individual cubes may differ slightly even within one batch of ordered goods. A good impregnation will eliminate these differences and make the entire surface a uniform shade, free of discoloration.

How much is knowledge from the forum worth? Impregnations for paving stones and surface bioavailability

Browsing the web, you have certainly found a lot of information about microorganisms growing in the cracks of the cube. Algae and mold change the appearance of the foundation, and sprouting plants can even burst it.

Impregnation of the ankle slows down the development of bacterial flora, fungi and moss, as well as algae and mold. Thanks to this, the surface looks aesthetic, maintains a uniform shade and is less slippery. The risk of permanent damage to the surface and its bursting by sprouting plants also decreases.

What sealer for paving stones? Opinions of specialists

Impregnations for paving stones are divided into matte and those with the so-called. effect of wet paving stones. The first group of products allows you to maintain the natural color of concrete, although it does not protect against efflorescence and discoloration. The second makes the cube gain a deep, expressive color.

Most impregnations are suitable for both new and used paving. When reading opinions about paving stone impregnation , remember to pay attention to the most important parameters of the preparation. The rankings of impregnators for paving stones most often mention:

  • Visual effect - you can get the effect of a dry or wet cube. Some substances even allow for a slight color change.
  • Ease of application - a good impregnation is one that you apply with a roller or brush directly on the surface to be protected.
  • Increasing the strength of the cube - the impregnation that penetrates the structure of the concrete increases its durability. Thanks to this, chips and cracks appear less often in the cubes.

Remember that buying a cheap impregnation for paving stones does not always make sense. Cheap products are less durable, and you will have to spend more time and money to re-buy and reapply the sealant. Ultimately, a cheaper purchase may turn out to be paradoxically more expensive.

Even the best impregnation for paving stones will not help if you apply it incorrectly. Remember to dry and clean the concrete surface before applying the sealant. The agent must be thoroughly mixed so that the pigment does not settle to the bottom of the bucket.

Depending on the quality of the product and the desired effect, apply one to three layers of the preparation on the surface. Don't be afraid to act on your own. Impregnating the paving stone is not particularly difficult, and it will save you money that you would spend on a team of pavers.

Wet cube effect - opinions and advice

Some people prefer a light shade of freshly laid paving stones. However, there is no denying that such a cube gets dirty more easily. For a few years after laying the pavers, unsightly efflorescence may also appear, i.e. bright spots and discolorations that are a natural effect of concrete maturation. To avoid this, you can bet on the so-called. wet cube effect . What is that?

On the forums , the effect of wet paving stones is defined as a uniform deep shade of concrete after applying the appropriate impregnation. The colors of the raw material then become clearly visible, and the cube itself seems richer in details.

Specialists advise that until the surface is completely dry (about 2 hours at an average temperature of 20 ° C) do not step on the pavement or in any other way disturb its surface.

The best impregnations for paving stones can be found in stores specializing in the sale of construction products, but also in chemical wholesalers such as Distripark . By using the online sales network, you can count on attractive prices as well as access to discounts and loyalty programs.

You don't have to look at concrete cubes anymore, the shade of which is not uniform and the color seems gray and dull. Buy a high-quality impregnation and see how easily and quickly you can strengthen your paving stones and make their appearance more attractive.