What is chlorobenzene and where is it used?

article_body/publish_date 2022-04-27

The substance chlorobenzene is a raw material used on a massive scale in many industrial and production processes. It is a solvent and an ingredient necessary to combine various groups of intermediates. What is worth knowing about chlorobenzene? What properties does it have and where is it used? we answer!

Chlorobenzene - safety data sheet

Chemists and researchers describe chlorobenzene with the abbreviation C 6 H 5 Cl. This organic compound can also be found under several other names: MCB, phenyl chloride, monochlorobenzene, or benzene chloride. What are the most important properties of chlorobenzene? The physical state of C6H5Cl is a liquid - it is a volatile, flammable liquid. Clear, transparent MCB is produced by catalytic chlorination of the aromatic hydrocarbon benzene. Chlorobenzene has the following physico-chemical properties:

  • its molecular weight is 117.6 g/mol,
  • it smells characteristically – almonds,
  • does not combine with water,
  • it can be mixed with diethyl ether, ethanol and benzene,
  • melts at -45°C,
  • the boiling point of MCB is 130-131°C.

Chlorobenzene: application in industry

Chlorobenzene is a proven, valued raw material used in research laboratories and industrial plants. It serves, among others, as:

  • solvent for greasy, oily and resinous substances,
  • laboratory reagent,
  • component of dyes, paints (including indigo blue), silicone products,
  • component for the production of plastics (including self-extinguishing PPS plastics, made of polyphenylene sulphide),
  • semi-finished product for polyurethane products (foams, coatings, adhesives).

Liquid, resistant to low and high temperatures, monochlorobenzene also works well as a heating medium, used in various types of industrial installations. It can also be used to produce other products and intermediates, such as phenol or aniline.

MCB in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries

In the pharmaceutical industry, chlorobenzene is used, among other things, as an active ingredient (API, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient ), necessary for the synthesis and production of certain drugs. In pharmaceutical laboratories, MCB is used to produce:

  • painkillers, the main ingredient of which is paracetamol,
  • pyridoxine synthesis, i.e. vitamin B6 (conditioning the proper functioning of the brain, digestive and nervous systems),
  • drugs for osteoporosis and diseases of the osteoarticular system (one of the ingredients of this type of preparations is zoledronic acid, produced from chlorobenzene),
  • liver medications
  • antihistamines, alleviating the symptoms of allergies (Chlorphenoxamine - Latin Chlorphenoxaminum ).

Chlorobenzene is also a component of drugs used to treat thyroid and kidney diseases.

In the cosmetics industry, MCB has been used in anti-aging treatments. As a liquid with fungicidal and bactericidal properties, it is also used in the production of agents for disinfection of instruments, devices and tools used during treatments.

Medical applications of phenols and aniline

For over a hundred years, humanity has known and used the properties of phenol and aniline, produced from MCB. Phenol has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect - various medicinal preparations and disinfectants are made from it, used in hospitals, medical facilities and beauty salons. In the prevention of mycosis and combating demodex, many dermatologists prescribe a phenolic preparation called Castellani Dye, soap with chlorobenzene , and antifungal shampoos. Phenols are also a component of medicines recommended in inflammation of the mouth and respiratory tract.

Paracetamol is produced from aniline, which is produced, among others, from chlorobenzene. This popular chemical compound is currently widely used in the production of tablets, syrups, gels and ointments with analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Chlorobenzene in agriculture and the construction industry

Monochlorobenzene is used to produce synthetic plant protection products: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and pesticides. Thanks to it, farmers can protect their plants against attacks by fungi, bacteria and insects, and thus obtain the desired quality and size of crops. Control over crops plays a key role, especially on large, large-hectare plantations, where every oversight and occurrence of plant diseases cause significant financial losses.

Currently, it would be hard to imagine the functioning of the construction and finishing industry without specialized foams and adhesives. These are articles used on a massive scale by window and door joinery fitters, companies offering PUR foam insulation or foundation insulation.

Chlorobenzene - a threat to the body?

As a solvent, monochlorobenzene is irritating to human skin, mucous membranes, nervous and respiratory systems. It acts as a strong poison or drug. Poisoning can occur as a result of inhalation of chlorobenzene vapors, direct contact with the skin or eyes, as well as by accidental ingestion. Therefore, care should be taken each time in contact with MCB. It is enough to use appropriate personal protective equipment to minimize the likelihood of symptoms of MCB poisoning.

Chlorobenzene derivatives, used for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry, are subjected to multiple, long-term tests. In addition, MCBs, manufactured by specialist companies such as PCC Group, must meet very stringent Polish and international standards before being released for sale, which translates into high quality of final products.


