What is ecology in the company?

article_body/publish_date 2022-10-19

In the era of the energy crisis and the growing problem of global warming, running a business has become a major challenge. In addition to the issue of maximizing revenues, it is equally important to implement eco-solutions. What are the entrepreneur's obligations related to environmental protection ? What is ecology in the company? we answer.

Ecology in Polish companies: what has changed since 1990?

Only 30 years ago, when capitalism was just developing in Poland, few entrepreneurs were interested in issues related to ecology. The law also did not regulate many issues related to environmental protection at that time. The situation began to evolve together with preparations for Poland's accession to the European Union. What changed?

  • On April 27, 2001, the Environmental Protection Act was approved. This act was a response to the EU directives of the 1980s and 1990s, in which Europeans for the first time began to create and improve systems for protecting the environment and resources.
  • On May 11, 2001, the Act on packaging and packaging waste enters into force.
  • On December 12, 2003, the Act on general product safety was approved.
  • On October 3, 2008, the Act on sharing information on the environment and its protection is developed,
  • In 2012, the Waste Act was introduced, regulating the issues of waste management.
  • On September 11, 2015, the Act on waste electrical and electronic equipment was passed.
  • On July 20, 2017, the Water Law Act, relating to the protection of water resources, is approved.

The listed legal acts are, of course, not all the changes introduced and still being introduced by the legislator in order to reduce the amount of pollution and protect the climate. However, the above-mentioned acts indicate an important direction of changes in the way Polish businesses operate. Ecology has become an important factor determining the development and even the popularity of Polish companies!

A new, ecological approach of companies to the issue of packaging

One of the first Polish industries that began to introduce eco-innovation was the packaging industry. Investors quickly drew attention to the ideas contained in the Act on packaging and packaging waste. New companies have appeared on the market, producing cardboard boxes and bags from recycling. Reusable packaging, marked with appropriate eco-labels, began to gradually replace disposable materials made of low-quality plastics.

Obligations of the entrepreneur in the field of environmental protection 2017

Drinking water resources are decreasing, and irrational activities of investors often lead to ecological disasters and the destruction of entire water ecosystems. How can groundwater, rivers and lakes be protected? What are the entrepreneur's obligations related to environmental protection? 2017 was the beginning of important changes in Poland. The Polish Waters State Water Holding was established to ensure water safety. The institution also issues relevant water-legal decisions to entities whose activities are or will be related to surface or underground waters.

Companies using the resources managed by Polish Waters pay fees for water intake and sewage disposal. Investors interested in running a business in the vicinity of water reservoirs must obtain appropriate water law permits, thanks to which the number of illegal constructions that destroy ecosystems has decreased.

Pro-ecological activities in the company: examples of good practices

Ecotrends are becoming more and more popular and visible in Polish business. What ecological activities should be implemented in the company ? More and more entrepreneurs rely on solutions such as:

  • waste segregation,
  • replacement of obsolete machines and devices with energy-saving equipment,
  • reduction of paper consumption (e-invoices, e-documents),
  • installation of RES installations (photovoltaics, heat pumps, mini wind farms),
  • installation of tap water filtering devices,
  • employee subsidies for public transport tickets.

A very interesting example of ecology in Polish companies is the introduction of electric vehicles to the fleet of KEP industries. Such cars reduce the carbon footprint and help reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Also, owners of small gastronomy companies meet ecological challenges by offering their customers biodegradable cutlery and dishes. Even companies related to industry are increasingly focusing on the idea of ​​the so-called Green Chemistry. It is technology and raw materials to reduce the amount of poisonous substances that pollute the Earth.

What is the importance of eco activities in the company?

Every, even small, pro-ecological action is important in business. Saving energy and resources, recycling and choosing green solutions mean that:

  • we reduce the carbon footprint and carbon dioxide emissions,
  • we improve the condition of air, water and soil,
  • we do not have to use energy and materials for the production of new products,
  • we eliminate the problem of expanding landfills.

In the long-term perspective, the eco-policy of each company can significantly contribute to the improvement of the natural environment - the living space of the next generations. The lack of initiative in the field of eco-solutions and innovations means silent consent to global warming and the increase in civilization diseases.