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What the eggshell absorbs when young, or how to teach a child to wash their hands

article_body/publish_date 2017-03-22

There is no need to convince anyone about how important it is to maintain proper cleanliness for every mother. However, it is not always an easy matter. Young children are not very willing to wash their hands, and it is very important for their health. Dirty hands are a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Without washing hands, the child transfers them to toys and, unfortunately, often to food. Young children learn about the world through touch and take everything in their hands. And in this way, bacteria, viruses and even parasites are transferred to their bodies.

What to do to avoid dirty hands diseases?

The most important thing is to maintain proper hygiene, and it is best to start learning how to wash your hands as early as possible.

What is worth remembering?

- teach your child to wash their hands after every toilet visit, walk, play with animals and most importantly before eating

- let him be independent and do not wash your child's hands, let him do the same

- make sure the water temperature is right

- make it easier for your child to access the sink - buy a footstool with a non-slip base

- use liquid soap - bar soap slips easily from small hands, it's best to choose liquid soap with an intriguing smell and color for children's senses, e.g. one of the Savanti medels - thanks to which your child's hands will not only be clean, but washing them will be easier by playing with the habit.

The most important thing is a good example - if you wash your hands often, your child will definitely imitate you.

Be a role model for your child.

High quality soaps available at distripark.com


Posted by Monia (unverified) on Sat, 03/18/2017 - 12:26

The baby is a little parrot. When she sees her mother washing her hands, she will want it too. In many homes, washing is not a priority, you think otherwise, I invite you to use public transport in mid-July :(. You have to wash yourself and the child will also be clean.

Posted by pPosted by Tomek (unverified) on Mon, 20/03/2017 - 16:27

This recommended watermelon soap can be given to a child with allergies?

Posted by Klaudyna Admin on Wed, 22/03/2017 - 13:32

Hello, it all depends on the type of allergy. If it is a skin allergy, I recommend using special preparations for allergy sufferers. Regards, distripark.com team

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