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Which bath magnesium is the best to combat the symptoms of fatigue?

article_body/publish_date 2021-07-07

Which bath magnesium is the best to combat the symptoms of fatigue?

Hard day at work? Do you feel like you need a moment for yourself? Magnesium baths are one of the home and reliable ways to calm the nerves, relax and unwind. By the way, they are a chance to supplement the deficiencies of this valuable element in the body.

Check which bath magnesium to choose to work effectively!

Which magnesium bath will be the best?

On the shelves of cosmetic stores you will find magnesium in various forms, from various companies. Numerous studies conducted by independent research centers indicate that chloride is the best absorbed among the inorganic forms of magnesium.

White flakes are characterized by high hygroscopicity and excellent solubility in water. Chloride hexahydrate is most often used for baths. Depending on the product, you should add from a few tablespoons to even 2 glasses of magnesium chloride. Therefore, it will be more profitable to buy large, several-kilogram packages. You will pay no less than a few smaller buckets or bags.

You can also buy magnesium sulfate in pharmacies. It also dissolves well in water and is slightly cheaper, but has a stronger effect. Especially in the case of high concentrations, it can be irritating to the skin, eyes or gastrointestinal tract if salt enters the body.

An alternative to magnesium baths is the use of the so-called magnesium olive. The treatment involves mixing magnesium salts with water in a 2:1 ratio. The resulting solution should be applied to the body and held for as long as a regular bath.

Due to the changed proportions and much higher concentration, first check on a small part of the skin (e.g. forearm) whether such application does not cause irritation.

Does a baking soda and magnesium chloride bath work better?

A bath in soda and magnesium chloride is a combination that you will often find in SPA salons. Does it really work better than a bath in magnesium alone?

Although you know soda mainly from the kitchen or as a cleaning agent, it also has health-promoting properties. Adding baking soda to the bath makes the water softer. Thanks to this, the skin will not be dry after the treatment.

Baking soda also soothes the symptoms of sunburn as well as irritation and rashes that appear after insect bites. It can also be used to cleanse the body and remove accumulated toxins from it.

A bath in baking soda and magnesium chloride has a double effect. In one go you can enjoy the pleasure of a warm bath, but at the same time you strengthen your body and supplement the deficiencies of the most important elements.

If you also want to supplement the treatment with olfactory sensations, we recommend adding a few drops of eucalyptus or spruce oil. They have a toning and antiseptic effect, help fight viral and bacterial infections.

Magnesium baths - how often to use them?

It is recommended to use magnesium baths at least 2 or 3 times a week. Each time the pleasure should last 20-30 minutes. If you are struggling with dermatological problems, you can start with less frequent and shorter treatment times. Thanks to this, you will gradually get your body used to new stimuli and reduce the risk of health effects.

You can also use magnesium baths for small children. Remember, however, that the baby's skin is less resistant to external factors. Therefore, in its case, chloride will certainly work better than sulfate.

In the case of a small child, the water should not be too hot - delicate skin can easily burn. The bath itself may take less time than for an adult, you should start with 10 to 15 minutes and gradually extend the treatment if the child tolerates it well.

What does the youngest member of the family gain from regular magnesium baths (and you along with him)? First of all, deeper sleep and strengthening the immune system. This means fewer visits to the doctor, which can be a real nightmare for parents, especially in the case of small children.

How much does magnesium chloride bath cost?

Treatment with magnesium chloride hexahydrate is not only pleasant and effective, but also cheap. Depending on the manufacturer and the size of the package, the price ranges from a few to several zlotys per kilogram.

Of course, the larger the packaging you choose, the more profitable it is. If you have a place to store large bags or buckets, you can buy them without fear. Magnesium salt, as long as no moisture gets into it, will retain its physicochemical properties for a very long time.

Although at first glance, what kind of bath magnesium you buy doesn't matter much, as usual, the devil is in the details. More expensive salts are usually better purified. In practice, this means that the product will be more effective and the packaging will last longer. Buying high-quality magnesium also means no risk of contact with impurities of unknown origin.

Magnesium chloride bath can be found in every pharmacy and cosmetics store. However, you will do best if you buy it in a place like an online wholesale store.

It is a guarantee of low prices and a choice of only proven products from reputable manufacturers. Many online platforms also offer discounts and loyalty programs for regular purchases. So you can get more for less!

A bath in soda and magnesium chloride is a gift that you can give your body even today. Do not wait any longer and immerse yourself in pleasure!