Ascorbic acid E300, vitamin C

Ascorbic acid E300, vitamin C
About product

Ascorbic acid E300, Vitamin C - L-ascorbic acid, i.e. left-handed Vitamin C with the chemical formula C 6 H 8 O 6 . Vitamin C is a food additive belonging to the category of antioxidants and acidity regulators with the number E300 . It is used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and as a laboratory reagent. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process. In the food industry, it is used as an antioxidant and acidity regulator. Food grade product. The price includes the cost of packaging.

Ascorbic acid common name Vitamin C. It is completely soluble in water, which makes it easy to formulate pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements and food products. Used in brewing as a pH regulator. It is used in large quantities by food and beverage producers. Vitamin C is added to virtually all food products to enrich their composition with this compound and extend their shelf life. In pharmacy and in cosmetic products, e.g. creams, it fights free radicals and thus inhibits the aging process of the skin as well as the formation of wrinkles. L-ascorbic acid is the basis for the production of salts and esters, which are used in the food industry as antioxidants and acidity regulators. Producers of fruit preserves add vitamin C to jam, juices and purees. The antioxidant, which is ascorbic acid, is designed to extend the shelf life of food products by inhibiting the oxidation reaction. It has acidity regulating and antioxidant properties, which is why it is commonly used as a food additive with the E300 symbol . It limits adverse chemical changes in such products as fats, fruits and vegetables. Protects food products from discoloration and browning. It also has an acidifying or preservative effect. It inhibits the formation of poisonous nitrosamines in cured meats and preserves their natural color. Also used to treat pool water.

Properties of vitamin C/ascorbic acid:

  • preserves food (extends the shelf life)
  • regulates acidity (pH regulator)
  • preserves the natural color of the products
  • has antioxidant and reducing properties
  • fights the formation of free radicals
  • natural and ecological food additive
Substance name: l-ascorbic acid CAS number: 50-81-7 EC number: 200-066-2 Form: solid Color: white Odor: odorless pH: about 2.2 - 2.5 (50 g/l H2O 20°C) Density: ~1.65 g/cm³ Bulk density: approx. 500 - 900 kg/m³ Solubility: in water: 330 g/l (24°C) in organic solvents: in ethanol: 20 g/l (20 °C)
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Chemical raw materials and intermediates