How to recognize and avoid harmful substances in food?

article_body/publish_date 2021-09-02

Chemical substances in food have been present for many years. It is thanks to them that the products are better preserved, tastier and more aromatic. However, this comfort comes at a price. That price may be your health. Read how to recognize preservatives harmful to health and who monitors their presence in food?

Are preservatives harmful?

Several hundred different chemical compounds, both natural and artificial, are used in the food production process, which is why answering such a question is not easy.

The term preservative is understood as any substance capable of inhibiting the development of microorganisms that may lead to deterioration of food quality. In many cases, manufacturers limit themselves to adding natural preservatives. We will include, for example:

  • chlorophyll,
  • vitamin B2,
  • curcumin,
  • agar.

All of them are hidden under the appropriate E symbol.

Unfortunately, the list of artificial preservatives is much longer and their production is cheaper, which is why manufacturers are eager to use artificial chemicals in food . However, this does not mean that each of them will immediately harm your health. All commercially approved preservatives are safe to use as long as the specified daily intake is not exceeded.

When designing the composition of food products, manufacturers apply the principle of quantis satis . This solution involves the use of even potentially unhealthy ingredients in food in a concentration that is sufficient to determine the assumed goal. At the same time, not exceeding the standards indicated in the relevant regulations.

However, there is no doubt that the most harmful preservatives are those that you consume regularly and for a long time, not necessarily in large doses.

How harmful are the preservatives ?

Consuming an excess of harmful E can cause many negative health effects. These ad hoc ones include primarily:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • skin and food allergies,
  • recurring headaches.

How quickly you experience negative effects depends on many factors. If your body is immune, it produces more free radicals and antibodies, the better you will endure contact with harmful ingredients in food .

Unfortunately, however, the greatest havoc is caused by slow, long-term changes that occur as a result of exposure to harmful chemicals. In many cases, years of poor nutrition can even lead to the development of cancer, autoimmune disease or asthma.

Paradoxically, in the case of such serious threats, often sick people in the first period are not even aware of the changes taking place in the body. The disease is often discovered by accident, when it may already be too late for effective treatment.

The most harmful food additives include:

  • sodium nitrites and nitrates – used in the curing process of meat and meat products. During thermal processing, they combine with animal protein molecules to form carcinogenic nitrosamines;
  • benzoic acid - increases the durability of preserves and slows down the development of microorganisms and molds; mainly used in the production of jams, jellies, candied fruit and pâtés;
  • potassium sorbate - used to make bread, dairy products, soft drinks;
  • sulfur dioxide and sulphates - popular preservatives used in wine and dried fruit.

Many of the potentially harmful ingredients can be found primarily in sweets for children, sausages and meat. When taking care of the nutrition of the youngest family members, pay special attention to the composition of individual products. Children's tolerance to harmful ingredients in food is much lower than that of adults.

Where is the list of harmful preservatives?

All chemical substances in food have been included in the list constituting an annex to the European regulations regulating the acceptability of their use. The regulation is binding on all member states, which does not preclude further (and more detailed) regulation of this issue at the national level.

Note that the list of chemicals in food is very long, but not all of them are preservatives. These have been placed in positions from 200 to 299. In the list you will also find e.g. dyes, antioxidants and flavor enhancers.

Who monitors the presence of harmful substances in food ?

The search for unhealthy ingredients in food (prohibited or allowed, but in a lower dose) is carried out by the State Sanitary Inspection and the State Veterinary Inspection. The purpose of the checks carried out is always to take food samples and test them for the presence of substances from the list.

You should be aware that no regulations define the admissibility of using combinations of specific chemicals, referring only to individual ingredients.

In practice, it may turn out that several chemicals in food will work differently than each of them individually. However, the results of such studies are still pending.

How to avoid harmful substances in food?

If you want to limit the consumption of potentially carcinogenic food additives and dangerous "E" , first of all try to read product labels carefully.

You can adopt the rule that the shorter and simpler the composition of the food, the better. This will mean that the manufacturer did not try to "improve" its taste or texture with artificial additives.

If you cook yourself or run a production company and need to buy food additives, choose proven sources. In the Distripark warehouse you will find only the highest quality raw materials from reputable manufacturers.

Choose quality and take care of your health!